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Search results

  1. Pep'rJack

    CTV: TO Among Cities to Go Green Under Clinton Plan (City Hall Refit?)

    *double-take* Nay, *triple-take*! Kudos to them, and to all other participants as well - the dam has now truly broken (FINALLY!) wrt this issue...
  2. Pep'rJack

    First Canadian Place marble panels falling

    And...? Clearly, this is your inaugural adma-wrangling experience. Good luck - you'll never receive a reasonable or cogent answer to that question. Prepare to be dubbed "Cletus", and then clubbed o'er the head with those hideous Nathan Phillips Square walkways. Again. .
  3. Pep'rJack

    What will replace small incadescent bulbs?

    (re: US school shootings...) "Everybody is wanting to know what music were the kids listening to, or what movies were they watching. Who gives a fuck what they was watching! Whatever happened to crazy? What, you can't be crazy no more? Should we eliminate crazy from the dictionary?" .
  4. Pep'rJack

    Post: Another drop in American visits to Toronto

    No! NOT "okay"! Vs. Defend our sacred 'u' to the bitter end! .
  5. Pep'rJack

    Iraq: 'Honour Killing' of teenage girl condemned as abhorrent

    . Falwell blames 'pagans, abortionists, gays, feminists, lesbians' for death May 15, 2007 Afterlife News Service (ANS, The Afterlife) - Echoing his comments made after 9-11 that the terrorist attack was caused by a litany of...
  6. Pep'rJack

    CBC's Seven Wonders of Canada

    ^ Hey, hey, easy there, bull moose - some things are more 'wonder'-ful than others. Never thought I'd live to see the day when a hoser dissed the Holy Beaver Tail. Perhaps you have to be from Ottawa to understand. Y'know, I love this country passionately - but in some ways we really are...
  7. Pep'rJack

    Toronto Royal Ontario Museum | ?m | ?s | Daniel Libeskind

    Man, you've got an extraordinary knack for uncannily bang-on and impressively eloquent descriptions of architecture and art. More, please!
  8. Pep'rJack

    Chinatown Spadina & Dundas

    ^ Yep, perfectly. These are really, really good, man(?) - nice variety of shots, too. Hope you treat us to many more threads like this! PS - Is your avatar Commerce Court, or something else?
  9. Pep'rJack

    U of T: New Varsity Stadium (Diamond + Schmitt)

    Is the new track significantly larger than the previous stadium? If so, then I get it - if not, then I still don't understand why both a building and a track/stadium could not have been built on the total area provided by the previous stadium and the parking lot, without the field. (The parking...
  10. Pep'rJack

    U of T: New Varsity Stadium (Diamond + Schmitt)

    ^ Fair enough, but unlike others I'm not concerned about retail per se, but more with there being a building of some kind (residence? media centre type thing?) along Bloor rather than this big open gap. "...that parking lot is Trinity's best and only spot for expansion. Provost Macmillan's...
  11. Pep'rJack

    First Canadian Place marble panels falling

    ^ I really hope so - it's become a filthy disgrace, nearly an eyesore. When your building is this prominent, it's just not cool to let it get this cruddy looking. Ditto the CN Tower, sadly.
  12. Pep'rJack

    U of T: New Varsity Stadium (Diamond + Schmitt)

    Ah, I see - but surely some kind of arrangement could have been struck? Or do I seriously underestimate the lack of cooperation between the College and the University?
  13. Pep'rJack

    Random Updates - 5/13/07

    Ditto. Now imagine the same view with 1 Bloor East, Uptown, Crystal Blu, and other proposed St.Thomas projects - it will be truly magnificent. Exciting times!
  14. Pep'rJack

    U of T: New Varsity Stadium (Diamond + Schmitt)

    ^ Agree, and you're right re the space to set it back from Bloor (there was a parking lot at the south end of the original stadium). I just don't understand what they were thinking here. That said, the stadium looks pretty good, so far, thankfully. Though I dread the arrival of The Bubble...
  15. Pep'rJack

    Another Mini Update May 13th 2007

    Thanks a lot for this - great update, including some rarely seen projects. Goddamn this forum's great!
  16. Pep'rJack

    Barcelona III

    Wow, some of the best Barcelona pics I've ever seen - well done! And you've made an instant Gaudi fan out of me. What's the Picasso museum like - does it compare to the one in Paris, if you've been there? And do you know anything about the tower in part II that looks like Foster's Swiss...
  17. Pep'rJack

    Toronto Royal Ontario Museum | ?m | ?s | Daniel Libeskind

    ^ Agree. It's starting to win me over again, which is a huge relief and delight. Great pics - thanks. (That said, fiendish's rant is still the best thing ever said about this thing.) ^ LOL.
  18. Pep'rJack

    Official Toronto FC Thread

    Great pics! Man, that does look like a blast. Football fans are nuts - cool to have this kind o' thing gearing up in TO.
  19. Pep'rJack

    Globe & Mail: Montreal a backwater burg?

    . This kind o' thing is great to see - Canada needs far more of this, and far less petty regional sneering... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Montreal, Toronto say 'Oui' to...
