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  1. J

    Rocco Rossi wants subways too!

    For my masters, I'm doing a large project on the Downtown Relief Line which will be online June 15th with more than just maps... it'll have cost breakdowns, ridership projections... the equivalent of about 120 pages of information. Naturally, the site will link to the current facebook group and...
  2. J

    Rob Ford wants to terminate the "War on Cars"....

    2010 Rob Ford re: bikes: "I don't live downtown, but if I did, I'd probably own a bike. It would be more economical. I generally support bike lanes, but it's really up to the individual community." 2007 Rob Ford re: bikes: "I can't support bike lanes. Roads are built for buses, cars, and...
  3. J

    Move Toronto: The SOS Plan

    Fair enough. I really hope you're right in regards to the stations. In my research I contacted some people in a private firm responsible for some recent subway construction. They didn't want their name used, but they gave me estimates of station construciton, and what was interesting is that...
  4. J

    Move Toronto: The SOS Plan

    Thanks, gweed. The work I'm doing will be ready and online in early June... I'll post about it then because part of the master's project and why I'm doing it online is to try to drum up support for the line. Obviously, other great sites have been created such as the facebook group to do so...
  5. J

    Move Toronto: The SOS Plan

    I think the financial estimates may be a little low, though that is fairly common in infrastructure estimates and may make the DRL more appealing. For my masters project I'm working on a massive amount of research on the DRL... a website should be up in around June with everything I've done...
  6. J

    Tim Hortons: Drive-thrus R great!

    You're right, as this is what I've heard from restaurants before, but... this doesn't make sense to me. If you're robbing a place, wouldn't a getaway vehicle be advantageous? As for the OP, I've always thought the Burger King at King and Dufferin is an example of a good drive-thru. If it...
  7. J

    Noisy Trucks

    Your neighbourhood is zoned commercial/residential.
  8. J

    Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    Density is far from irrelevant. There's a direct correlation between the density of stations, and the transit ridership of the neighbourhood surrounding it. The TTC has charts showing density vs. proportion of trips made by transit, and they are very much intertwined. What about feeder bus...
  9. J

    Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    That was one of my professor's opinions. That by building the Yonge line first they're basically forcing construction of the DRL.
  10. J

    Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    I just did a paper analyzing this extension and the problems with it. First off, the TTC uses a figure of 100 people plus jobs / hectare to determine the minimum density that a subway can become useful. Out of the 6 stations planned for the extension, numbers for Cummer were not provided...
  11. J

    Toronto to experiment with prohibiting right turns on red at some intersections

    It is good for pedestrians, so it is a benefit. My concern would be as much as we should be giving pedestrians priority, I wonder how much this will back up traffic. It seems that when downtown due to pedestrian volumes, your chances to turn are very limited as even when the light is...
  12. J

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    I think there's probably a number of concerns. Even if it is a luxury, it may not be significantly more expensive to implement when factoring in the costs of stringing and maintaining the wires, weather issues, etc. I think the main concern might be the lack of compatibility when using the...
  13. J

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    I actually question how much serious examination it was given. I'm in an urban planning class where Rod McPhail (Transportation planner for Toronto) is the prof, and I brought up the technology with him regarding its potential use on Transit City. He was unaware of it, but seems intrigued by it...
  14. J

    Help requested naming streets

    Whatever's right, but FWIW, most of them even if not on the street itself are along Bremner Blvd.
  15. J

    Jarvis Streetscape Improvements Environmental Assessment

    In addition, by putting a median in with left turn lanes, it would keep the traffic flowing, as ultimately, illegal turns or not, people line up to turn left off Jarvis blocking two lanes instead of what would only be one if the median had turn lanes in both directions.
  16. J

    Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s

    I looked back to some research I did for a university presentation last year - I was looking at a subway along Queen at the time, but most of the information makes sense if someone wants to just reroute the route itself. Here are maps of projected density in Toronto as of 2021, with both a DRL...
  17. J

    Hyatt Regency Toronto Airport (Regal Constellation site)

    Yes. The entire complex has been abandoned for about 4 years now. The West Tower longer (Found stuff with the date '92 on it, but I can't put an exact date on it.)
  18. J

    Hyatt Regency Toronto Airport (Regal Constellation site)

    I'd love to see the West tower stay up... but honestly, I'm not sure it's all that feasible. I was in there today shooting photos (They're not off my memory card yet, otherwise I'd post them) and although a lot of the damage done to the West tower is from police training explosives and such...
  19. J

    Hyatt Regency Toronto Airport (Regal Constellation site)

    I know they must be doing SOMETHING right now, but they certainly weren't as 2005. Around Christmas of 2005 I managed to sneak in and look around a bit, and a few months later returned (though security got me that time.) Neither of these time was any work actually going on in the place...
