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  1. M

    Toronto Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport | ?m | ?s | Ports Toronto | Arup

    That should generate a lot of revineu for the. which is good. This could take off well, But it has to be done right...
  2. M

    RailOntario - A vision of

    Good, Im glad to hear it. 12 months and you can see what I assume one of your dreams finally start to take some real shape. you have any other amazing ideas stuck rattling around in that genious head of yours?
  3. M

    FOX News

    I work with americans every day, I Am a support tech for At$t. I do server support. IT's reduclious the stupidity i work with on a day to day basis.
  4. M

    City Workers Strike 2009

    Thats really good actually. Windsors/Detroits were really cut back this year.. But i guess that makes sense. The fredom festival that they hold every year, if im not mistaken it was cancled for this year
  5. M

    RailOntario - A vision of

    That's cool. You really should see about getting into that though. Could be a lucrative buissness for you in the end.
  6. M

    Star: Shopping wars: 'Screw it, I need some bags'

    There are a lot of governmental practices that arn't company/investment friendly. There needs to be more incentive for the investment. I'm not sure what that whould really look like but once its in place TO could boom huge again.
  7. M

    Star: Shopping wars: 'Screw it, I need some bags'

    Is it not worth the money when it comes to the enviroment though? One big thing though, everyone should own a compost... and every apt building/condo building should have a comunial one. They do the enviroment wonders.
  8. M

    RailOntario - A vision of

    Thats still a lot of work on your part Red.. I wonder though. Is this just a personal project or does this somehow tie into your work? just out of curiousity?
  9. M

    Star: Shopping wars: 'Screw it, I need some bags'

    TO and surrounding area are ever growing but there are alot of things that need to change before this kind of thing would really happen. Specificly the government/union bs that keeps being battled out.
  10. M

    City Workers Strike 2009

    I know if anything mine's increased, but thats because im having my first child so we had to get a lot of the stuff. Crib, playpen. DIapers. Ect.. it costs a lot of money lol.
  11. M

    City Workers Strike 2009

    I could see that working. Though one stipulation. If you don't live in the city you shouldn't be allowed to work for the local government.
  12. M

    RailOntario - A vision of

    Not even that. Money is a huge obstical. They would have to upgrade to electric more then likely for it to be economicly (both monitarily and enviromently) fresible.
  13. M

    RailOntario - A vision of

    THhis would be amazing. But the question remains. Is it feasible? what kind of trains would be used?
  14. M

    Combined Sales Tax Could Cost Homebuyers Thousands

    The whole combined tax thing is ludices... Its another form of theft. Our property taxes here are already ridiculous. And now they want to give us more taxes. And Ontario has the highest tax rate in Canada... Go figure.
  15. M

    Doing all that I can to get out of the US and live the Canadian Dream

    Its not just imigration officers that are like That. Its customs too. Hell i hate dealing with american customs officers. you come back into Canada and you get through in minutes without a hassel. 25 min ususally at american boarder...
  16. M

    Green Roofs..... Toronto of the future

    I don't know about the whole green roof thing, But i do know that you can use your roof to your advantage in the summer. Did you know you can heat the water in your pool just by running it through a pipe that sits on your roof, Your pool, (or hottub) will stay consistantly heated for a fraction...
  17. M

    City Workers Strike 2009

    That is a very clever analogy, I like it. But its so true. Have you spent any differently since the whole resssession started?
  18. M


    I see. So Yah. I can defiantly Understand where your coming from when it comes to that. But That's one example. Could you not. with experience start your own firm? And yes i know its not easy. Starting your own business is never easy. but rewarding none the less. Only bringing up a point.
  19. M

    City Workers Strike 2009

    I agree, Now lets try to explain that to the rest of Canada and the States.. Any ideas? We could always hijack the airwaves and send out are own brodcasts. Then put it out through mass print. Maybe get some news breaking announcements on tv. And then, Just so we don't miss anyone, one of us...
  20. M

    Question for those who know computers.

    There are a lot of good deals out right now which makes now a good time to buy. You can generly get places to price match. so do your research... could save you some green
