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  1. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Sometimes the jokes write themselves, I tells ya.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nobody's yet mentioned Doug's comment about talking to frontline officers that are against Blair. That might have been the biggest tactical error of the bunch. You don't put words in the soldiers' mouths like that.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thank you, sir. Your hilarious comment almost makes this show's existence worth it.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    To be a fly on the wall at that meeting...damn.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't see this one happening. Doug must understand the reality of Rob's chances, and it sounds like he's running the show at the moment. Of course that's just my $0.02.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This is actually a million dollar question we don't have an answer to. I'm generally on the side of the TPS and dismissive of all the conspiracy talk, but Blair's statement about recovering the video on the 29th seems off. First of all, we have many, many reports that the video has existed in...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Call me naive, but I still think that there's a long game here that were not seeing, and that might explain TPS' reticence to move in on Rob. For Blair to be so confidently candid yesterday, I think there's more to the story. Well, okay, maybe I'm naive.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I know MetroMan ain't infallible, but he stated on here quite recently that Ford was caught on a wiretap soliciting drugs, and he seemed pretty certain about the source. So where do these wiretaps enter the picture? Were they part of Traveler? If so - and if Traveler is over as evvabeing...
  9. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I assume that Project Traveler is still ongoing, and that Ford was caught on wiretap or whatever in that operation. Remember, Traveler stuff is still under wraps, and this other investigation was focused solely on actions around the crack video. Blair is always careful with his words and never...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Probably he has lots of pals among the Galleria Mall regulars.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Also some chatter on Twitter now of Ford's executive drafting a joint letter of sorts to present to the mayor. Should be interesting.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Rumours now of a similarly-sounding "Pat from Etobicoke" calling in on 1010 earlier in the day today. Anyone know more about this?
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Definitely Ford. Listen to their analysis of the call after the fact. As they say, whenever the caller gets frustrated the Ford voice comes right out.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Putting pressure on your city councillor is probably the most direct route at the moment. Rob lost the waterfront battle years back because public pressure rained down via council. Ford is stubborn, but I could easily see nearly 100% of the rest of the bunch turning on him, and that might just...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    What's the house policy on giving lying crackheads air time?
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    NYC had a run of terrible mayors in the 70s and 80s, and they survived. I think that's a less melodramatic comparison to run with.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I swear, this is the best post of the day.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Seriously curious where Rob is right now. I have no sympathy for him, and can't even muster up sympathy for his loved ones at this point. But this could turn out to be a rather ugly ending to an ugly day.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The recovered the deleted video...if this were a cover-up, why would they go to so much trouble? As for warrants, do any of us really know that much about police work to expertly comment on this? Seriously, it's like going to a message board to get advice on brain surgery.
  20. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Also vindication for the police, who have been catching all kinds of hell from armchair The Wire enthusiasts.
