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Why to support the Liberal Party

I take it you want to get rid of the military and are a vegan then if you're so opposed to murder?

I don't agree with killing innocent people, but we still need a military for our own protection. What would we do if war was declared on Canada and we had no military? I don't agree with putting our noses in the business of other nations. If war was declared on us then we would have no choice but to fight back and unfortunately that would mean there would be casualties to innocent civilians. That's the harsh reality of war and there's no way around it. Maybe we should have just let the Nazi's conquer us so we wouldn't have had to kill any good German people.

I take it you have no problem killing a fetus but are completely opposed to war, because innocent people die. Is a fetus not innocent? Is it not a life? I see no problem with killing an animal as long as you consume every edible ounce of it's flesh. Humans are omnivores. Our canine teeth are designed for stripping meat.
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I see no problem with killing an animal as long as you consume every edible ounce of it's flesh. Humans are omnivores. Our canine teeth are designed for stripping meat.
This is false. Humans only began eating meat during the last ice age out of necessity. Our caninus teeth are much smaller than those of other carnivores (they fall into the herbivore/frugivore category). In addition to our teeth, our anatomical and physiological structure is that of plant-eaters.
This is false. Humans only began eating meat during the last ice age out of necessity. Our caninus teeth are much smaller than those of other carnivores (they fall into the herbivore/frugivore category). In addition to our teeth, our anatomical and physiological structure is that of plant-eaters.
Meat eaters have larger brains due to the higher protein of meat-based diets. We'd never have evolved to our current state if we'd all been eating grasses.
Meat eaters have larger brains due to the higher protein of meat-based diets. We'd never have evolved to our current state if we'd all been eating grasses.

Correct, we are not herbivores. This is a commonly mistaken comparison that creates confusion and misinformation. We are frugivores. Our digestive organs have more in common with anthropoid apes (frugivores) than lions and wolves (carnivores). The reason our brains are larger than the great apes is that our growth rate is much slower. A year or two after birth, human growth rate is about half that of a chimpanzees. Plus, we're relatively half as bulky as the other great apes. That allows nutrients to be directed toward brain development with a less demanding metabolism.

Edit: to clarify, frugivore = fruit & nut diet. That's what I meant by "plant-eaters" in my previous post. Sorry for the confusion. We obviously would not survive solely on green vegetables.
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I don't know how Earth Heals Herself got un-banned, but I can sense a re-ban being in the cards...
I may end up voting Liberal, but I'm having a very hard time with that. The only reason I'd probably end up voting for them is because I wouldn't vote for the conservatives, even though I think their platform is actually the most sound this time around. "We will give you XYZ... when we balance the budget." These are non-promises, but such fiscal prudence may be what Canada needs at this time. However, I don't like their stances on certain non-financial issues, which is why I won't vote for them.

You may complain about the Conservative attacks on Iggy. However, those attack ads don't actually seem that bad to me, and I generally don't like attack ads. Iggy comes off as being obnoxious and elitist, and the Conservatives are merely highlighting that. That's the problem for the Liberals. That attitude that Iggy was an obnoxious elitist that was parachuted in is shared by both the right and the left. Remember, the reason why Stephan Dion won the Liberal leadership race last time was because so many Liberal Party members just didn't want Iggy as their leader.

Well, assuming you live in Scarborough SW, you also have a pratfallish Conservative candidate (first name change, Tamil-Tiger-apologist smear, etc)
I thought you were a Christian?

I never mentioned that. Either way, according to the bible, God doesn't grant salvation to murderers unless they ask for forgiveness and accept Him as their saviour. They may get to live out the rest of their lives on earth but they will suffer for eternity. I don't agree with the redneck parties outside of prisons, cheering when an inmate is executed. Death isn't something we should turn into a joyous occasion. I believe in an eye for an eye without all the hoopla that generally follows an execution.
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