^The saving grace of the new Ottawa depot has been that, until Ottawa began to sprawl, it is geographically very central, meaning that a last-mile taxi ride was pretty cheap and fast for both downtown travellers and for a good part of the inner burbs. And, while Ottawa is transit intensive, until fairly recently it was autocentric enough, and the Depot is very well situated, for people to be conveniently picked up and dropped off by car. I suspect the old depot would have been a lot less attractive for many as it would have meant schlepping that last mile into the downtown, where driving can be a bit more tedious.
I have used transit to reach the depot, and it worked fine, probably even better now that the LRT is running.... but if one is staying in a downtown hotel, the expense for a taxi to the train is not much to tack onto your bill.... and Ottawa's taxi's are a lot nicer than most places.
- Paul
I have used transit to reach the depot, and it worked fine, probably even better now that the LRT is running.... but if one is staying in a downtown hotel, the expense for a taxi to the train is not much to tack onto your bill.... and Ottawa's taxi's are a lot nicer than most places.
- Paul