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Transit expansion for a better Toronto! (Rally/Protest idea)

everyone seems to have good ideas. Gas taxes, tolls, license fees, toronto becoming its own province. However all of these things are beyond our control. There more like well if i was mayor this is what I would do. Unfortunately none of us are going to be mayor. SO instead we need to think about what can we do as citizens to ensure that the next mayor takes tranist serious.. EX. Protest. Does anyone have any experience with this... Someone made a joke "here comes the tamals" but at least they would have experience drawing publicity to their cause. Sure they werent successful but they tried and were at least heard. We need to make the same type of statement especially in an ELECTION YEAR.
everyone seems to have good ideas. Gas taxes, tolls, license fees, toronto becoming its own province. However all of these things are beyond our control. There more like well if i was mayor this is what I would do. Unfortunately none of us are going to be mayor. SO instead we need to think about what can we do as citizens to ensure that the next mayor takes tranist serious.. EX. Protest. Does anyone have any experience with this... Someone made a joke "here comes the tamals" but at least they would have experience drawing publicity to their cause. Sure they werent successful but they tried and were at least heard. We need to make the same type of statement especially in an ELECTION YEAR.

That is the whole point of this thread.

Everyone else here seems to be offer side stepping the topic with other "arm-chair" ideas.

So I ask again: Has anyone here ever had any experience in throwing or participating in a rally/protest?
Again why are you advocating MORE FREAKING TAXES & USER FEES when all those levers of power you request can all be had if the Greater Toronto Area was it's own Province without EXTRA TAXES !!!!!!

Sorry to say, but THINGS cost money. What planet do you live on, "Freeworld?"

Tax cuts only benefit the RICH, not the poor and middle classes. You're a fool if you think otherwise!

Why do you keep reiterating that Toronto SHOULD be and WILL be it's own province? It's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
I dont want to pay any more taxes either. I dont want gas taxes or tolls. But I realize that money needs to be raised to fund transit. Can you imagine the gridlock in the next 10 years? The fact is we need money and as much as I dont want to Id rather pay extra somewhere and have transit then continue to have NOTHING DONE. Back on topic. HOW THE HELL did yonge and eglinton manage to make some sort of protest as pathetic as it was to stop a 3 store mall being constructed. But transit cuts which affect an entire city cant manage to enrage enough of us to get out and protest!!!! Sadly there will be more protest from car drivers if there was a gas tax or a toll then there are from transit users right now getting royally screwed.
Mad Navigator: I may not know how to organize a protest rally but I am definitely willing to assist you in any way that I can. PM me and we can discuss a course of action.
The transportation and transit situation in Toronto is intolerable. A new study released today ranks Toronto's commute as the worst amongst 19 global cities:

Meanwhile, all the talk during this election run up has been about cutting taxes. Cutting the very taxes that pay for an already underfunded system seems insane, to me, unless we are replacing that funding source with something new. Tax cuts get politicians elected, but they rarely solve anything; at best, they delay problems four years until the next election cycle.

One simple fact that keeps getting overlooked is that an improved transit infrastructure benefits drivers as well as riders. Even if you don't personally take transit, every person that does is one less person getting in your way on the highway. None of these problems will go away until we all decide to pay for improved and expanded transit. More roads and more sprawl only serve to worsen the problems in the long run, as the past few decades have proven again and again.

The most obvious hole in the system remains the fact that drivers can use tax-payer built roads for free, while transit riders must also pay to use tax-payer built transit infrastructure. This is wrong. Yes, it's the way it's been for 75 years, but it's still wrong.

Selective, sensible road tolls are the obvious solution. Tolls would feed more money into the system to be used for improving transit (and yes, maintaining roads) and would also help balance the perceived costs of driving with those of transit. One of the main reasons many people don't take transit is that it is often cheaper to drive, due to the fact that the public roads are subsidized at a much higher level. Tolls would also make people reconsider their driving habits, drive less, combine journeys into fewer trips, etc., all of which would help unclog the roads. Driving is all too easy when it is (perceived to be) free.

In the end, tolls seem like they'd be a small price to pay to reduce the millions of hours and dollars wasted by Torontonians stuck in traffic every year. Pay a bit up front, and we all benefit in the long run.

As for the original topic of this thread, I would also be eager to see what forms of sensible and effective protest can be created out of this crisis. Transit riders are no longer simply those who are "too poor to drive". There is a powerful demographic being stomped on here, repeatedly. We need to have our views heard, and these outdated modes of thinking about transit need to be quashed.
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Sorry to say, but THINGS cost money. What planet do you live on, "Freeworld?"

Tax cuts only benefit the RICH, not the poor and middle classes. You're a fool if you think otherwise!

Why do you keep reiterating that Toronto SHOULD be and WILL be it's own province? It's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

Nothing is insurmountable !

More layers of tax are not the answer !

Freedom from Ontario is the answer whereby we can collect & distribute taxes as we agree fit.

I haven't been advocating Tax Cuts (well expect for doing away with Property taxes or reducing them significantly). As A Province in it's own right the GTA would be able to sell Bonds, Collect Income Tax, Sales Tax, Gas Tax, Liquor Tax, run Casinos, etc. all the proceeds of which could remain in the GTA (except for the money Ottawa takes to transfer to Quebec so Quebecers can have $7 a day Daycare & for SNC Lavalin & Bombardier to obtain interest free loans) instead of some Ontario Premier transfering to Ear Falls, Ontario to build a hunting & Fishing Lodge !
Honestly. The only way to make a difference to make transit expansion an election issue, first in the municipal elections, then in the provincial elections.

This might sound nuts, but if everybody here put their energy behind Sarah Thompson and she became the new David Miller because of her subway plan, you can bet that people would be talking about transit expansion. Whether she won or not, that would make transit an election issue. Right now, it's just not.

Same for the provincial election. Imagine people threatened to not vote for the Liberals in Toronto unless they brought transit expansion back on the table. You can bet, people would be talking about it.
Nothing is insurmountable !

More layers of tax are not the answer !

Freedom from Ontario is the answer whereby we can collect & distribute taxes as we agree fit.

I haven't been advocating Tax Cuts (well expect for doing away with Property taxes or reducing them significantly). As A Province in it's own right the GTA would be able to sell Bonds, Collect Income Tax, Sales Tax, Gas Tax, Liquor Tax, run Casinos, etc. all the proceeds of which could remain in the GTA (except for the money Ottawa takes to transfer to Quebec so Quebecers can have $7 a day Daycare & for SNC Lavalin & Bombardier to obtain interest free loans) instead of some Ontario Premier transfering to Ear Falls, Ontario to build a hunting & Fishing Lodge !

Toronto becoming its own province is such a lofty goal with so many barriers in front of it that it seems almost impossible.

Successful activists need a laid out strategy backing them, so that they're not just screaming "NO!" at the top of their lungs.

Maybe it's time to revive the old 'One Cent Now' campaign - the website's even still up:

I'm sure the signs are in storage somewhere.
MARCH 30th 7pm @ The Maria A. Shchuka Library at 1745 Eglinton Avenue West MIKE COLLE (Eglinton-Lawrence) MPP will be having an EMERGENCY TC information meeting.....

PLEASE REGISTER and Come out to this important event!!!!!

Constituency Office
2882 Dufferin Street
Toronto , ON M6B 3S6
Tel: 416-781-2395
Fax: 416-781-4116
Toronto becoming its own province is such a lofty goal with so many barriers in front of it that it seems almost impossible.

Successful activists need a laid out strategy backing them, so that they're not just screaming "NO!" at the top of their lungs.

Maybe it's time to revive the old 'One Cent Now' campaign - the website's even still up:

I'm sure the signs are in storage somewhere.

Yeah better consign "lofty goals" to the dustbin & try begging the Premier of Ontario for 1 penny from the Gas Tax :rolleyes:
Again why are you advocating MORE FREAKING TAXES & USER FEES when all those levers of power you request can all be had if the Greater Toronto Area was it's own Province without EXTRA TAXES !!!!!!
I'll repeat what's already been posted, things tend to cost money. If you're not willing to front the cash, you're going to end up not getting it.
Having the GTA secede from Ontario would do nothing. Do you think that the money recently taken out of transit was to go towards other projects in Ontario? No! It was a result of bailing out the auto companies which have industry in, what do you know, Oshawa and other parts of the GTA.
Seceding is a worthwhile threat in the sense that very little of our current tax dollar goes toward services we benefit from, but I don't think it should be the central theme behind any protest.

The reality is that we're a) not even sure if most Torontonians want to separate from the province and b) Any separation process is bound to take YEARS if not decades during which time we're not going to get any public transit

What we do know is that most Torontoians want their public transit system to be expanded, and expanded quickly. We also know that most Torontonians would agree that they're getting a raw deal when it comes to the tax dollars they pay to the province and to the feds.

The reality is that I think everyone would be happy to maintain the current governmental framework (Toronto as part of Ontario) if the funding model was changed to better support the things that Torontonians need and care about.

We're the capital city of this province, but does it really feel like it?

(I should also note that I think the feds might actually have a larger role to play in this than the provincial government - the province has an escalating healthcare cost crisis to deal with, but I'm not really sure how exactly the federal government is spending our money, and to what end. It's time Canada started celebrating its cities.)
