Brampton UPtowns at Heart Lake | ?m | 4s | VANDYK

Just came back from the site.. they still digging.. was talking to a supervisor there said they having problems with the soil the machine still shaking when digging meaning they are going 8 floors down from the level .his estimate for building over the garage will be 2-3 years before complete.. no way 2023.. sad to hear i was hoping 2023..
Just came back from the site.. they still digging.. was talking to a supervisor there said they having problems with the soil the machine still shaking when digging meaning they are going 8 floors down from the level .his estimate for building over the garage will be 2-3 years before complete.. no way 2023.. sad to hear i was hoping 2023..

Anybody got a room for me to rent for cheap? I can’t stay at home for another 6 months, let alone another 2-3 years. This is insane.. lmao

Do these builders not realize people build their lives around their homes? Let me just put everything on hold for another 2-3 years after already having waited 5. No biggie.
Just came back from the site.. they still digging.. was talking to a supervisor there said they having problems with the soil the machine still shaking when digging meaning they are going 8 floors down from the level .his estimate for building over the garage will be 2-3 years before complete.. no way 2023.. sad to hear i was hoping 2023..
Thanks for the update! 2 to 3 years is a long time, especially since we bought it so long ago.
Just want to get it over with and move on. I wish the builder gave us a option to sell before closing especially since they are taking longer than expected.
Thanks for the update! 2 to 3 years is a long time, especially since we bought it so long ago.
Just want to get it over with and move on. I wish the builder gave us a option to sell before closing especially since they are taking longer than expected.
Check your agreement? think you could sell with paying them a fee $5k..but they have to agree.
Check your agreement? think you could sell with paying them a fee $5k..but they have to agree.
Not bad, I didn't know that, had I known I would have sold it when the market was up. No point in selling now, won't get much anyways. Now I just hope by the time it's built, the market is up again and the interest rates go down 🤞
Not bad, I didn't know that, had I known I would have sold it when the market was up. No point in selling now, won't get much anyways. Now I just hope by the time it's built, the market is up again and the interest rates go down 🤞
Also you have to pay Trudeau capital gain tax too

I’m not sure how they plan on delaying building much longer.. I didn’t really realize the significance of ‘Outside Occupancy Date’ until just now.

We do have another unavoidable delay coming due to the strikes (LOL) but then they have to start paying compensation to the tune of $150 per day up to $7500, no?

What are your guyses outside occupation dates? Different? Same? Sooner? Later?
Also DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT sign any amendments that potentially sign away your right to $150 a day compensation from Vandyk due to builder’s delay. This compensation is applied for through the Tarion paid for by the builder. If 100 of us receive full compensation that is $750,000 hanging over Vandyk’s head. If 300 of us apply for it, it’s $2.25million.

There’s 330+ units.
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I’m not sure how they plan on delaying building much longer.. I didn’t really realize the significance of ‘Outside Occupancy Date’ until just now.

We do have another unavoidable delay coming due to the strikes (LOL) but then they have to start paying compensation to the tune of $150 per day up to $7500, no?

What are your guyses outside occupation dates? Different? Same? Sooner? Later? Vandyk last email to me..
They will use the Pandemic as the unavoidable delay which is stated in the VIDEO.. even the the start date of Dec2021 they still noted in the letter COVID Delay.. So I am not sure about the compensation..I will as k my lawyer.. Maybe they might jack us up somewhere else like utilities or builders costs? who knows..
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They will use the Pandemic as the unavoidable delay which is stated in the VIDEO.. even the the start date of Dec2021 they still noted in the letter COVID Delay.. So I am not sure about the compensation..I will as k my lawyer.. Maybe they might jack us up somewhere else like utilities or builders costs? who knows..

I find it wild that they still claim to be affected by Covid 19.. I work a blue collar job and never stopped going into work for even a single day. I see what you’re talking about though in my own records. Can’t believe I missed that. Sigh.
To me, Vandyk will keep referring to covid as the main reason for the unavoidable delay to avoid paying the $150 daily compensation. If Tarion don't draw a line in the sand or declare that covid is no longer an impact, greedy builders would continue to take advantage of buyers.
Check your agreement? think you could sell with paying them a fee $5k..but they have to agree.
If you read the agreement in detail, the builder must have sold-out on the model you purchased and the construction must have gotten to roof top before you can assign. The builder can wave all of this and agree you assign.
did anyone noticed that the final release is advised with capped development fees? Well...they are already paying higher prices compared to what we paid
