Toronto The One | 328.4m | 91s | Mizrahi Developments | Foster + Partners

As much as I like the building I am sure whatever was going to be built here was going to be pretty stellar because of the location. The fact is i don't like the idea that the developer just went and destroyed something to get out of preserving it. Just because he produced a good building doesn't change the fact what he did. The rules should apply to everyone and I am sure both sides will find an agreement. But no way should it just be Okd because we like the design.
Mizrahi has made his bed and must lie in it. Is this payback? The city will never say so, but Mizrahi can't just wish away this listed building.

The city is perfectly within its rights to study designation of this building to see if it meets provincial criteria for designation, just like technically Mizrahi was acting within his rights to take crowbars to the most historically distinctive aspects of the Stollery's building before ripping it apart. For those thinking the city is acting poorly, you can't have it both ways.

Were there really historically distinctive aspects of the Stollery building? Have any architects specializing in heritage conservation commented on it?

Isn't the reality that all this does is delay things? Designating this building doesn't ensure its preservation... Does KWT/the city really want to see this corner remain a wasteland with a boarded up plot of land?
Ahh I'm conflicted. I'd say I'm in the 'build it now' category but I did not like the way they went about demolishing Stollery's and the Hue's Kitchen Building is something I would want to see preserved but in this case the proposal would be a worthy replacement.

Is there anyway we could make Mizrahi 'pay' for the what he did (or rather the way in which he did it) and still get the tower? Section 37 perhaps?

Indeed, I belong to this camp as well. Don't see any need to be intentionally punitive about it at this point, though the city should be firm about the statement improvements (TTC access, sidewalk expansion). As to s37 benefits - well, perhaps it can pay for additional improvements for the Bloor Street revitalization project?

And thank God we have the OMB!

Keep in mind OMB wouldn't give a damn whether this project is a Foster or not - and having this case go to OMB is definitely not the way to go if one wants a speedy resolution.

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Mizrahi has made his bed and must lie in it. Is this payback? The city will never say so, but Mizrahi can't just wish away this listed building.

The city is perfectly within its rights to study designation of this building to see if it meets provincial criteria for designation, just like technically Mizrahi was acting within his rights to take crowbars to the most historically distinctive aspects of the Stollery's building before ripping it apart. For those thinking the city is acting poorly, you can't have it both ways.
They issued him a demolition and permit and then cry after the fact. If they knew all this why was he issued with the demolition permit. I swear this city is run by a bunch of idiots. Or do they not know a demolition permit is?
Didn't the magestic owner want to build a condo. When the city designated it heritage then suddenly the building was burned down. I'm happy the government stood it's ground there and it should here as well. Saying whether something is worth preserving is subjective but it shouldn't be left to the developers to determine when they have their own interests at heart.
Didn't the magestic owner want to build a condo. When the city designated it heritage then suddenly the building was burned down. I'm happy the government stood it's ground there and it should here as well. Saying whether something is worth preserving is subjective but it shouldn't be left to the developers to determine when they have their own interests at heart.

True, but I think others also have a point - designation shouldn't have occured after a demolition permit is issued - and frankly, KWT is rather behind (intentionally?) on these matters (given we knew years ahead of time this site is under development pressure).

Were there really historically distinctive aspects of the Stollery building? Have any architects specializing in heritage conservation commented on it?

Isn't the reality that all this does is delay things? Designating this building doesn't ensure its preservation... Does KWT/the city really want to see this corner remain a wasteland with a boarded up plot of land?

Fearmongering. Mizrahi hasn't even submitted the application yet, so no wasteland, no delay.

The city is going as fast as it can. The report will go to Toronto Preservation Board on March 24. If it is deemed to be worthy of designation, the report then goes to TEYCC for approval on April 14. If it is approved there, it goes to City Council on May 5 for approval.

re: historically distinctive: I don't know. I think the city may very well have decided it may not have met the criteria. I think the city would have been more than happy to work with Mizrahi to find a more elegant solution though.
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They issued him a demolition and permit and then cry after the fact. If they knew all this why was he issued with the demolition permit.

I don't think this is being disputed. The permit was issued above board. The matter was that there was no "hold" on the permit issuing (due to request for designation) because it was a commercial demolition, not residential.
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Once an application has been submitted, does anyone know how long it takes for the city to produce a preliminary report, typically?
Mizrahi has made his bed and must lie in it. Is this payback? The city will never say so, but Mizrahi can't just wish away this listed building.

The city is perfectly within its rights to study designation of this building to see if it meets provincial criteria for designation, just like technically Mizrahi was acting within his rights to take crowbars to the most historically distinctive aspects of the Stollery's building before ripping it apart. For those thinking the city is acting poorly, you can't have it both ways.

My response to that would be: If you don't want to have a potential heritage building demolished while you intend to assess its heritage value, don't issue a demolition permit.

Also, the City had years to study the heritage value of this building. It's not like Yonge & Bloor became an "it spot" for development overnight. The subway interchange has been there for almost half a century, and 3 of the 4 corners of the intersection already have or are in the process of getting extremely dense development. It didn't take a psychic to know that the building on the 4th corner was going to be under development pressure at some time in the future.
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I'll be featured in CTV news broadcast tonight at 6 discussing this development and my 3D model about it, keep a lookout for me!
My response to that would be: If you don't want to have a potential heritage building demolished while you intend to assess its heritage value, don't issue a demolition permit.

Also, the City had years to study the heritage value of this building. It's not like Yonge & Bloor became an "it spot" for development overnight. The subway interchange has been there for almost half a century, and 3 of the 4 corners of the intersection already have or are in the process of getting extremely dense development. It didn't take a psychic to know that the building on the 4th corner was going to be under development pressure at some time in the future.

This site was part of the Historic Yonge Street Heritage Conservation District whose process began in 2012 and as far as I know is currently nearing completion.
Ahh I'm conflicted. I'd say I'm in the 'build it now' category but I did not like the way they went about demolishing Stollery's and the Hue's Kitchen Building is something I would want to see preserved but in this case the proposal would be a worthy replacement.

Is there anyway we could make Mizrahi 'pay' for the what he did (or rather the way in which he did it) and still get the tower? Section 37 perhaps?

Heritage buildings in the way of towers have been moved before. Hopefully part of Mizrahi coming to terms with the city will involve the preservation and movement of Hue's. West Don Lands or Portlands, anybody?
