Toronto The King East | ?m | 15s | Lamb Dev Corp | Core Architects

I don't know what it is but I really like that gap in the middle between the 2 sides of the building above the podium.

Hope you are not going to be too upset but it's being filled in and should be gone in about 4 weeks. (It was left open to allow the concrete trucks to park off King Street and unload. I actually thought it looked pretty cool too but ...)
Yes, it's some sort of "siding" on the west wall but I guess they expect the building next door (Up Country) will sooner or later get developed and the wall will become hidden. (This is similar to what the building on Queen at Jarvis did with their wall that faces Jarvis andoverlooks the (soon-to-be-developed?) garage.)

I know...but why even bother putting brick on the renders? Anyways, it's unfortunate. Who knows how long it will take for something to get built in place of up country. It would be an awkward footprint because I believe the townhouses on the other side are heritage?
Hope you are not going to be too upset but it's being filled in and should be gone in about 4 weeks. (It was left open to allow the concrete trucks to park off King Street and unload. I actually thought it looked pretty cool too but ...)

Damn that's too bad. :(
Yeah, it looked pretty cool. The_Architect's not the only one who thought so.

Passed by today. They're installing kitchen cabinets on the first couple floors. The gap has been filled in up to the 4th floor.
Got more pics today. Gap is being nicely filled in and windows are all the way up to the penthouse. I've seen doors installed in the bottom few condos and full drywall partitions.
Gap has been filled up to about 12th floor by Aug 3rd, 2012. I have taken more pics and these are in the afternoon so I've tried to capture insides of some of the units on 2nd-3rd floor. Here is another set of pics: TKE-03rd-AUG-2012
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Great update. Kitchen cabinets have been installed in some of the 2nd floor units. I actually saw a tack light installed in one of the kitchens on the 2nd floor. My unit on the 3rd floor...has yet to have any cabinets installed, but drywall is up.
I predict further delays. I suspect that all of the complications associated with the 'canyon' have slowed things down much more than anticipated and I don't think first occupancies will begin until Nov/Dec.
Today's pics. The "canyon" is filled up to top of 13th floor, only two more to go and that's about a week at most. Bottom 2 residental floors look well.

No pics but the windows have been installed in the 2nd floor gap. I think delays are coming.

I doubt they'll move the occupancy date since they want to start charging you the occupancy fees asap. I recently moved into Flatiron Lofts and I live in a construction zone. I had over 50 items on my PDI list. The finishes are decent but the workmanship is the worst I've ever seen. It's been a total sh*t show and I don't see most of these issues resolving any time soon.
I doubt they'll move the occupancy date since they want to start charging you the occupancy fees asap. I recently moved into Flatiron Lofts and I live in a construction zone. I had over 50 items on my PDI list. The finishes are decent but the workmanship is the worst I've ever seen. It's been a total sh*t show and I don't see most of these issues resolving any time soon.

It's funny you say that because I was just there this morning. That's unfortunate that the workmanship isn't good at Flatiron. I saw several units at Work Lofts and the workmanship seemed to be pretty good, Parc lofts as well. Of course, I wasn't really looking for issues so I might have missed some things.

Yea, they may not want to move the date, but sometimes it happens. They still have to get the OK that they can start occupancy.

I guess we shall see, they've installed windows in the gap up to the 4th floor. Looks like by the end of the day they may be up to the 7th/8th floor.

Hope everything works out for you. 50 items is very high. Your place must be a mess.
