Toronto Tableau Condominiums | 124.05m | 36s | Urban Capital | Wallman Architects

Pic taken Nov 2, 2012

For some reason I hadn't looked at the renders for this project. I think it looks fantastic...the way the podium meets the curve in the street with those large pillars...really modern looking.

I like it.
Agreed. I think this has potential to be the best Wallman yet. Certainly amongst the best.

Except that the demo'd the entire facade weren't they supposed to be incorporating the heritage structure into the base? I don't understand. Are they planning on rebuilding it entirely new?
Yes, it will be replicated.

Now that the old facade is but a memory I wish they'd just go for a modern face fitting this attractive design. Toronto is going to end up looking like a theme park with historic facade districts. If a facade is worth keeping, I'd argue the entire building is as well. So build above it keeping the old building faces intact.
I don't mind facadectomies of buildings that, aside from their facades, are otherwise unremarkable. What I don't like is when a facade looks very obviously tacked on to a building. The best examples of facadectomies are when the newer portion of the building is somewhat pulled back from the heritage facade, creating the sense that the heritage facade is a three-dimensional building rather than a mask pasted onto another building. Ideally the heritage facade should also appear to be functionally integrated into the design, creating the sense that rather than a simple facadectomy, it's a Five Condos/Massey Tower-style reuse of the original property.

I'm not sure what to think of the plan for Tableau. One on hand, they'll be recreating the facade in three dimensions and visually it will appear that the office space on the fourth floor of the building is literally the roof of the heritage building (see first picture below), but on the other hand, the podium is so large and airy that when viewing the building from the north, the transition from the heritage facade to the newer portions of the building may look really abrupt and awkward (see second picture below).


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I think there's actually enough depth to this facade to give some semblance of retention, as opposed to a tacked on recreation. I can see it being awkward from inside the new glass portion of the lobby though, I'm curious to see how it'll be handled.
