Address: 55 Lake Shore Blvd E, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Education, Community Centre), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 930 ft / 283.60 mStoreys: 85 storeys
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Toronto Sugar Wharf Condominiums (Phase 2) | 283.6m | 85s | Menkes | a—A

Haven't they been repurposing it for other residential projects here? It was also used as a backdrop for an installation during Nuit Blanche this past October... not totally abandoned.
Just to be clear, is the park a POPS or purely public here? I get it was some deal was cut with The City, but I am not sure what the arrangement was.
The lack of transparency is really annoying. There seems to be barely any walkable space. It's all hills. Who the heck asked for that?
The sad thing about this park, is that it's going to become one of this city's largest dog pissing and sh**** grounds. Let's enjoy the greenery and fresh trees while it lasts...
Maybe if they put enough of these signs up or more concrete that will solve the problem.

I think they should fence off a portion for people only to sit on the grass.

My Covid dog.

The sad thing about this park, is that it's going to become one of this city's largest dog pissing and sh**** grounds. Let's enjoy the greenery and fresh trees while it lasts...

View attachment 619185

View attachment 619186
Really better just to give up on parks or 'nice things' and put down concrete with some sort of automatic flushing mechanism!
Just to be clear, is the park a POPS or purely public here? I get it was some deal was cut with The City, but I am not sure what the arrangement was.
The proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision complies with provincial policies and Toronto's Official Plan policies. The proposed block pattern, including the provision of a new public park, the extension of Harbour Street and a new north-south street are consistent with the planning framework established in the Lower Precinct Plan and the site and area specific policy. Affordable rental housing on the subject lands has been secured in a Section 37 Agreement registered on title. The required parkland has been secured in an agreement registered on title. A Heritage Impact Statement has been submitted, and the details of the conservation of the heritage buildings on the site are being reviewed in detail as part of the Site Plan Control Application process for this site. The proposed conditions of Draft Plan of Subdivision approval would address the technical requirements of the development, including among other matters: SEE:
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The proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision complies with provincial policies and Toronto's Official Plan policies. The proposed block pattern, including the provision of a new public park, the extension of Harbour Street and a new north-south street are consistent with the planning framework established in the Lower Precinct Plan and the site and area specific policy. Affordable rental housing on the subject lands has been secured in a Section 37 Agreement registered on title. The required parkland has been secured in an agreement registered on title. A Heritage Impact Statement has been submitted, and the details of the conservation of the heritage buildings on the site are being reviewed in detail as part of the Site Plan Control Application process for this site. The proposed conditions of Draft Plan of Subdivision approval would address the technical requirements of the development, including among other matters: SEE:
This is from 2020, lot of things changed.
The proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision complies with provincial policies and Toronto's Official Plan policies. The proposed block pattern, including the provision of a new public park, the extension of Harbour Street and a new north-south street are consistent with the planning framework established in the Lower Precinct Plan and the site and area specific policy. Affordable rental housing on the subject lands has been secured in a Section 37 Agreement registered on title. The required parkland has been secured in an agreement registered on title. A Heritage Impact Statement has been submitted, and the details of the conservation of the heritage buildings on the site are being reviewed in detail as part of the Site Plan Control Application process for this site. The proposed conditions of Draft Plan of Subdivision approval would address the technical requirements of the development, including among other matters: SEE:
I figured as much, but I wasn't thank you for clarifying that! /bows
