Address: 95 Lake Shore Blvd E, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2023
Height: 758 ft / 231.00 mStoreys: 70 storeys
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Toronto Sugar Wharf Condominiums (Phase 1) | 231m | 70s | Menkes | a—A

Just a question but with a lot of these projects why do the images at the top of the project pages not match what is being built. Or rather why are these images not up to date or even get replaced with the accurate pictures. So we can use them as a reference as to what being built rather then try to remember where, what the page the latest updated pictures are. Or get a sorry comment saying renders up to date please. Kinda hard to comment on projects when we don’t know what they are actually going to look like. This project is the perfect example

I believe the primary render at the top of the page is accurate, it's just showing both phases so it may not be clear. What is being built in phase 1 are the two towers on the right-side of that render.
I have a question.
In the renderings, it seems the buildings have colourful glass balconies.
Will the glass wall on the balconies be coloured?
I have a question.
In the renderings, it seems the buildings have colourful glass balconies.
Will the glass wall on the balconies be coloured?
They've shown a number of different balcony treatments over the life of this project, but the renderings that were released last year with the Phase 2 sales showed a monochromatic patterned balcony design for these buildings, so I don't expect much in the way of colour. I hope I'm wrong though.
There may have been some of this going on to make it appear that tall:
Floating ship in the last two pictures below. (Or a cloud)
Interesting how much of the 625’ stack can be seen at 70km from an elevation of ~100m.
Check out the stack lights in the last picture below vs the google map page posted by @DarkSideDenizen one page back.

Pictures from Wed, Thurs, Saturday and Monday.







Added wiki page image.
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The site plan should've been flipped with the office building next to the Gardiner and the condos on Queens Quay. Quite a few of those condos are going to staring into the dark underbelly of the Gardiner.
Sure, as long as the building heights stay the same (taller buildings to the north). The intent was to increase the building heights as they get further from the waterfront.
