Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

I think it's fair to make a judgement now. I know I made an assessment of ROCP towers when they were barely 1/3 up, saying they were rubbish based on cheap home depot doors, facade details etc. Many on UT attacked me for those comments yet now many agree with me....

I walked by Trump yesterday afternoon. While it's not as bad in person as some of us have said online, it still remains a gigantic missed opportunity. BA across the street is glamourous in comparison. The real failing of TT will be the base--dedicated to the automoblie. At this intersection, that's a fail!
****Just received this*****

Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto® taking shape — inside and out.

Work well underway on 27th floor of the Tower. Several crews now onsite working on concrete pours, curtain wall installation and drywalling.

We are very pleased with the progress being made as construction continues steadily on Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto®. Crews are now diligently working on many aspects of the tower concurrently, including pouring a new floor every six days, anchoring the curtain wall and installing drywall in the interior of the building.

The hotel floors of the tower are almost complete with the crews currently working on level 27. While more floors are poured and the tower climbs higher, the granite and glass curtain wall is being installed. Work is also focusing on placing the exterior panels on the twelfth floor and installation is gathering pace. In fact, curtain wall installers are able to finish each floor in approximately four days. In addition, the interior drywalling of the eighth, ninth and tenth floors consecutively, is now under way.

“We continue to be thrilled about the recent developments on the site and look forward to construction starting on the residential floors in the coming weeks,” says Alex Shnaider, Chairman of Talon International Development Inc., the building’s developer. “The personality and character of the building is starting to show, and that’s a really exciting development.”

Construction crews are able to work speedily and effectively on all aspects of the building. In fact, the site of the tower is a hub of activity for up to 22 hours each day, with some shifts beginning onsite at 3:00am and other shifts finishing at 1:00am.

“With the installation of the curtain wall underway, the tower is really beginning to come into its own on Bay Street, truly taking shape as a classic, yet modern landmark in the city of Toronto,” says Val Levitan, President and CEO of Talon. “I am continually impressed at the speed in which the panels are being fastened into place and, more importantly, the look and feel of the shining, green glass walls. The exterior exudes pure luxury, and this will be like no other residential tower on the market."

Construction work will soon be focused on completion of the hotel floors and starting the development of the mechanical floors on levels 30, 31 and 32. For the latest construction information and updates please visit

Currently available hotel condominiums are priced from $900,000; luxury residences from $2.1-million (CAD).

For more information, the latest pricing and suite availability, please contact your Trump Toronto sales executive at +1 416-214-2800, or send us an email at
I think it's fair to make a judgement now. I know I made an assessment of ROCP towers when they were barely 1/3 up, saying they were rubbish based on cheap home depot doors, facade details etc. Many on UT attacked me for those comments yet now many agree with me...

It's patently not fair to judge work that is not finished.

I know you have alluded to artwork you have created UD, although I do not know what the work was or is. Would you appreciate judgements being made on it before it were finished? And even if you didn't care, wouldn't you think to yourself "What an idiot, it's not finished."?

Most of the criticisms have been about specific elements (the dreadful, very visible east wall, for example) which will not change when this thing's complete. I think that's totally justified.
The building as constructed looks remarkably true to the building as rendered, which we were introduced to years ago - which is why my opinion of it hasn't changed one whit. The only thing that's changed is the number of forum members who now agree with me.
Going back to my original photo,

Here's a rough outline of how skinny/tall lookin trump will be!

(the glass is clearly taken from the old render lol! )

***The actual tower will be slightly taller (i only realized this after i uploaded it!)


original photo by me!

****And traynor, you have my permission to do a better render from the original photo :D !
^ Hehehe You did a fine job little dude. It certainly gives a good impression the impact the finished product will have from that angle.


I'm a bit baffled at some of the shrill criticisms here. I can understand not being a huge fan of it, but geeze, it's a pretty inoffensive building so far. At worst, it's just a plain old building, hardly a disaster.

meh, people always need something to bitch about. Many bitched about TIFF and then the balconies went on and people shussed up again. Same with this, patience is a burden.
Not true at all ... it's being bashed for the simple reason it can look like trash from certain angles in person.

Here's my take on it, from up close, and by that I mean as close as you seem to have been when taking the picture above, it actually looks good ... the reason being the granite actually looks like ... guess what ... granite. The closer you get the nicer it is.
From any distance, and by that I mean starting at half block away max, the granite looks more and more like bare concrete - actually with the right lighting conditions, I'd almost rather it have been cladding with sidewalk concrete. That's the first problem.

Second problem, the picture you took shows off it's good side, the other side is just pathetic ... the fake windows / half windows / everything that was used actually bares a striking resemblance to the BA stump that graced our sklyline in the not so distance past, and for those of you too young to remember I'm referring to the unfinished BA center (before the new project started).
From some angles it does look bad in person at the moment, I don't think anyone is disputing that. I'm reserving judgment for a little longer tho, because I think the same thing is happening here that happened with Uptown. Terrible, hideous base that had everyone freaking out (and over roughly the same issue: lousy, blank cladding on the lower levels), but since it stated getting taller everyone's eyes are being drawn upwards and no one seems to mention the base anymore. I think once Trump has another 10 floors poured everyone will be too busy craning their necks skyward to notice what's happening on the bottom 10 floors.
little steveveveve, that pic is awesome!!!

OK, i hereby change my position. i like Trump now. The base may stink the high heavens but the upper will make up for it!

plus i don't want to be called stupid. (sorry interchanger) -just calll me the great tergiversator!
