Toronto Spadina Subway Extension Emergency Exits | ?m | 1s | TTC | IBI Group

407 Transitway is a nice way of getting around the awkward "highway" in a subway station name. Jane and Eglinton has more possible landmark and neighbourhood-based names than the location of the station by Highway 407.

I think Toronto needs to stop this phobia of naming two stations with the same name, especially if they're on parallel lines. So there will be 3 stations with the name "Warden", big deal.

Either that, or place a greater emphasis on naming stations after local landmarks.

Having multiple stations with the same name is likely to cause confusion. I'm sure the most frequest riders would get used to it, but local landmarks and neighbourhood names are a good idea for differentiation. Using landmarks and neighbourhood names has the additional benefit of making the system less dreary by giving people better hints at the colourful city they're travelling through. Unique station design also does that and should be a design aim of any future rapid transit infrastructure project.
you guys need to drive down to Finch and Keele to take a look at the massive construction site.

There are at least 4 drills on site on Keele Street north of Finch, another 4 drills inside York University's main plaza, and one extra drill beside the Schulich School of Business. So that's almost 10 drills within a 10 minute walk. Bundled with the typical cohort of cranes and diggers, it's a pretty spectacular sight.
407 Transitway is a nice way of getting around the awkward "highway" in a subway station name.
Though the Transitway is years, possibly decades, from being built. And when it is built, presumably the transitway stations along the 407 are going to need better names than "407 Transitway".

Beechwood works ... if your going to use Jane in the name ... Jane-407
Though the Transitway is years, possibly decades, from being built. And when it is built, presumably the transitway stations along the 407 are going to need better names than "407 Transitway".

Beechwood works ... if your going to use Jane in the name ... Jane-407

That would be a pretty "Toronto" thing to do though, wouldn't it? Name the station after another transit project that isn't even built yet. "I just got off the subway to transfer to the BRT, where is it?" "Right over there, but you may have to wait about 5-10 years to get it".
That would be a pretty "Toronto" thing to do though, wouldn't it? Name the station after another transit project that isn't even built yet. "I just got off the subway to transfer to the BRT, where is it?" "Right over there, but you may have to wait about 5-10 years to get it".

That's true, I didn't think of that. It's just that saying "Get off at Highway 407" sounds even sillier! I'd be willing to bet that people would think "I'm getting off in the middle of a highway?".

What about "Jane-Vaughan"; this is telling people that you're on Jane, but in Vaughan.. not Toronto.
I wrote in Beechwood. Doesn't make sense calling it Jane North when both it and Vaughan are under Jane street. And if the Highway 407 Transitway DOES get built it'd be nice for the Transitway station and the Subway station to share a single name, and "Highway 407" wouldn't work for that purpose. Jane-407 would work I guess but it's ugly as hell.
My votes were as follows:

Sheppard West
University Heights
York University
Black Creek Village
Vaughn City Centre
Mine were:

Downsview Park
Finch West
York University
Black Creek
Vaughan City Centre
For me, I voted:

Sheppard West Station and Downsview Park Station
Finch-Keele Station
York University
Steeles West
Jane North
Vaughan Corporate Centre
I wrote in Beechwood. Doesn't make sense calling it Jane North when both it and Vaughan are under Jane street. And if the Highway 407 Transitway DOES get built it'd be nice for the Transitway station and the Subway station to share a single name, and "Highway 407" wouldn't work for that purpose. Jane-407 would work I guess but it's ugly as hell.
Named after a cemetery?? If you ask me, this station could be dispensed with altogether, although probably too late for that by now. Who wants to man the collection booth late at night, surrounded by pretty desolate gravestones and 407 on-ramps?
Though the Transitway is years, possibly decades, from being built. And when it is built, presumably the transitway stations along the 407 are going to need better names than "407 Transitway".

Beechwood works ... if your going to use Jane in the name ... Jane-407

But if the station on the Spadina line that connects to the 407 Transitway was called "407 Transitway" would the stop on the 407 Transitway not be called, either, "Jane St" or "Spadina Subway"?
But if the station on the Spadina line that connects to the 407 Transitway was called "407 Transitway" would the stop on the 407 Transitway not be called, either, "Jane St" or "Spadina Subway"?

There's quite a bit of vacant land in that area (in the box formed by the rail tracks, the 404, the 407, and Jane St). Why not put in a new residential or office district and name the station after that?
