Toronto Sherbourne Common, Canada's Sugar Beach, and the Water's Edge Promenade | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto | Teeple Architects

A night pic from Sunday evening.


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I would be surprised if either of the Ford's were not present at every future Tim Horton's opening in the GTA.

This is another cheap shot that has nothing to do with the topic. Some of the posts here are still very slanted with their handling of the Fords.

People are running out of ammo when all they can think of is to make comments about Ford's appearance and weight. I said it before. Criticize Ford on his policies and decisions. But once you start with name calling and making fun of someone's appearance, you've lost credibility. This is what children do in school, remember?

And how many average canadians know who Atwood is? Be honest here. A large number of people haven't a clue. Not just Doug.
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This is another cheap shot that has nothing to do with the topic. Some of the posts here are still very slanted with their handling of the Fords.

People are running out of ammo when all they can think of is to make comments about Ford's appearance and weight. I said it before. Criticize Ford on his policies and decisions. But once you start with name calling and making fun of someone's appearance, you've lost credibility. This is what children do in school, remember?

And how many average canadians know who Atwood is? Be honest here. A large number of people haven't a clue. Not just Doug.

Are you kidding me!? A Canadian 'elected' politician who doesn't know who Atwood is? And did you miss the fact that the Ford's used Tim Horton's (in not so many words) as justification for closing down libraries? A little off topic WRT this thread maybe, but unjustified cheap shots at the Fords!? Give me a friggin break!

ANY shot at the Fords is justified, indeed it's a civic duty!
Are you kidding me!? A Canadian 'elected' politician who doesn't know who Atwood is? And did you miss the fact that the Ford's used Tim Horton's (in not so many words) as justification for closing down libraries? A little off topic WRT this thread maybe, but unjustified cheap shots at the Fords!? Give me a friggin break!

ANY shot at the Fords is justified, indeed it's a civic duty!

You're trying to justify cheap shots as being necessary when it's clearly childish, immature and an act expected of children.

I've read so many posts on this forum and elsewhere where people with a beef with Ford resort to name calling and making comments about his appearance and weight. And why would or should a politician know who Atwood is? Why is it so important? It has nothing to do with politics or running the city. A cheap shot is still a cheap shot.

If all you can say regarding someone whose policies you don't like is to make fun of their appearance, then you lost the debate.
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^ I just took the post down 'cause it was a bit low. But neubilder, you got the two best lines out of it.

No seriously - an elected official in Toronto who has never heard of Margaret Atwood?
Hahahaha ! OMG - it's worse than we could have imagined.
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Because I've read so many posts on this forum and elsewhere where people with a beef with Ford resort to name calling and making comments about his appearance and weight.

I'd love to know how you inferred a weight or appearance insult out of my comment. Doug Ford's the one who's been blathering on about Tim Horton's for the past few days. I just referred to that in a rather mild post. Your boys can sure dish (Don Cherry, "Gino Boy", etc...) but they can't take it. (Or their starry eyed fans can't take it.) Jeebus, get a grip.
Now that's the spirit!

No it's not. It's the typical cheap shot that too many on this board engage in and encourage when they don't like someone. This forum is full of self-righteous people that think nothing of name calling and mocking people when it suits them.
I'd love to know how you inferred a weight or appearance insult out of my comment. Doug Ford's the one who's been blathering on about Tim Horton's for the past few days. I just referred to that in a rather mild post. Your boys can sure dish (Don Cherry, "Gino Boy", etc...) but they can't take it. (Or their starry eyed fans can't take it.) Jeebus, get a grip.

My mistake if I misinterpreted but I won't apologize for pointing out that too many people engage in behavior on this board that we otherwise tell kids in schools is wrong and not nice.
In case you have not seen it, we have a report from the official opening ceremony on the front page here. The report includes shots of the water features lit up at night.

Back to the topic at hand. I'm going down this weekend to check out the park and see the lights for myself.
I Bixi'ed down out of complete boredom at about 2 am Monday night after eating a Belgian waffle and getting drunk in Little Italy, with my signed copy of Sein und Zeit rolled up in my back pocket.

It feels like new railroad track colonizing a bar'brous jungle! An oasis in the middle of a Robocop movie. Or maybe just a crappy Total Recall remake starring Colin Farrell.

Some dude was passed out on one of the steps of the watercourse to the gurgling of the water on the south side. Across the street, studying the light sculpture, a security guard was startled by my presence. I feel like I interrupted an epiphany.

I tried spinning the merry-go-round inverted flying saucer but it needs some WD-40. And the surface of it was very harsh on my think skin!

Also, the S-shape thing on the ground with the stainless steel ball does nothing! But maybe the electrodes were shut off for the night.
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And how many average canadians know who Atwood is? Be honest here. A large number of people haven't a clue. Not just Doug.

While I agree that many people might not recognise Margaret Atwood in person (though she is quite distinctive) I doubt there are many who have not at least HEARD of her. It is also sad and far more worrying that the younger Mayors Ford apparently said “She’s not down here, she’s not dealing with the problem. Tell her to go run in the next election and get democratically elected. And we’d be more than happy to sit down and listen to Margaret Atwood.” If they are not interested in hearing from "the taxpayers" (and Ms Atwood is one) then why are we wasting money on public consultation?
Criticize Ford on his policies and decisions.
Ford has stated quite loudly and often that he is dubious about the value of Waterfront Toronto. This was an important project for that entity, a major sign of progress (along with the announcement of Monde a few days later). It is an innovative combination of recreation and public infrastructure (with the water treatment facility underneath it) that puts Toronto at the forefront of these kind of projects. It is the opening of a major public park in Toronto, which simply doesn't happen every day.

That Ford would not show up is indicative that he is not interested in trumpeting the real successes of this city if they do not jibe with his particular narrow ideological slant.

How's that?
