A drop in centre will be held Sat March 28 at the Harbourfront Centre, York Quay Centre, Lakeside Terrace, 235 Queens Quay West from 10am to 1pm for final view of the plan change to the Queens Quay from Spadina to Parliament St. This will be a one on one with the team.
A high over view took place last night at the Westin with 300 people in attendant.
The backlash was low than expected even with the idea of making it one way.
Construction will start in the fall of 2010 with work on building 2-3 traffic lanes on the north side. Once this is done, the existing ROW and westbound lanes will be torn up and replace with a new ROW with 2.5-3m platforms. To the west of Spadina, the westbound lane will move to where the ROW is and the ROW will take over the road area.
The existing portal as well the new one between Yonge and Freeland will have an enclosure over them. The sewer line at Yonge St will have to be relocated to allow for the ramp.
Expanded Martin Goodman Trail will be 4.3 m wide with a row of trees between it and the new ROW to the north and a walkway/path to the south.
Grass is plan for the ROW.
Union Loop will be rebuilt in phases and still not a good design nor will it meet future needs.
You will still can put in comments up to June when it will go to council. Plans go to TTC in May for their approval.
Where to put the tour buses is still a big issue.
There will be 9 new streets connecting the QQ to either Harbour St or the lake Shore that are not there now. Various entrance to QQ on the south side will be move or modify.
The York and Lower Simcoe TTC Stops are now one and relocated.
Talk is the light fixtures will be wood including the portal enclosure.
Need a few more washrooms on the waterfront.
A video of what the QQ will look like from Bathurst to Parliament with trees and one without tress
A high over view took place last night at the Westin with 300 people in attendant.
The backlash was low than expected even with the idea of making it one way.
Construction will start in the fall of 2010 with work on building 2-3 traffic lanes on the north side. Once this is done, the existing ROW and westbound lanes will be torn up and replace with a new ROW with 2.5-3m platforms. To the west of Spadina, the westbound lane will move to where the ROW is and the ROW will take over the road area.
The existing portal as well the new one between Yonge and Freeland will have an enclosure over them. The sewer line at Yonge St will have to be relocated to allow for the ramp.
Expanded Martin Goodman Trail will be 4.3 m wide with a row of trees between it and the new ROW to the north and a walkway/path to the south.
Grass is plan for the ROW.
Union Loop will be rebuilt in phases and still not a good design nor will it meet future needs.
You will still can put in comments up to June when it will go to council. Plans go to TTC in May for their approval.
Where to put the tour buses is still a big issue.
There will be 9 new streets connecting the QQ to either Harbour St or the lake Shore that are not there now. Various entrance to QQ on the south side will be move or modify.
The York and Lower Simcoe TTC Stops are now one and relocated.
Talk is the light fixtures will be wood including the portal enclosure.
Need a few more washrooms on the waterfront.
A video of what the QQ will look like from Bathurst to Parliament with trees and one without tress