Toronto Queens Quay & Water's Edge Revitalization | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

How much road salt do they use in Amsterdam? Does the braking mechanism for streetcars there use sand? (hmm ... I'm guessing that will be no more with the new streetcars).
How much of the repaved MGT is currently bikeable/open?
Yesterday up to Bay (from the east) is open as blocks of the section Bay to Bathurst (though 95% finished) are being used for pedestrian detours, work areas etc and there are certainly unfinished blocks (at the bridge, at Rees Street and at Spadina and then closer to Bathurst. I had previously been on QQ about 10 days ago and they have done LOTS of work in those 10 days.
The eastbound section between York and Bay sts. is open since 5 pm yesterday.
How much road salt do they use in Amsterdam? Does the braking mechanism for streetcars there use sand? (hmm ... I'm guessing that will be no more with the new streetcars).

No road salt at all, just sand/grit for traction. Braking mechanism uses sand, but only for emergency braking.
These pics are (I think) from a streetcar in Rotterdam, but it's the same principle (emergency only). Amsterdam streetcars actually have a sort of window in the back to display the level of sand remaining.
What I saw today:

None of the MGT is open and will be another week or so.

Traffic going east, west of York St will be delay a few days, as 2 controllers must be in place to do it.

Cabs dropping off/pickup passengers at RBC are going to be a pain if they don't use their layover bays. Saw 2 cabs not in the layover on my way to a meeting and where blocking westbound traffic that ended up using the eastbound lanes. Good thing traffic was light and none existing for eastbound.

Cycles were using either the eastbound lane or the traffic lane south of the tracks east of York St. A few try going down MGT where the fence were open, but turn away by crews.

Caught an eastbound car using the TTC ROW west of York and it was force off by crews.

MGT is top coated up to Robertson Ct. Sub coat up the loop except for the top coat on Peter Bridge and from EMS. Sub coat should be done for the rest next week as well top coat.

Rees is still a mess. The Peter bridge is going to be real tight getting it done for the 19th. The north side sidewalk should be open by the weekend on the bridge, as the rest is done and open to the public.

The section at Bathurst should be finish by this weekend or early next week.

They pave the top coat of the road where it will cross TTC tracks and the markings are down on the north side for it.

As for Green TTC ROW, got to thank EMS for not allowing it. Using green for MGT is already done on Sherbourme St

More wooden poles going up with the aluminum coming down. Other none wood light poles going up.

Traffic lights for MGT working up to York St from Bay St.

TTC lights where staying green for the full light cycle at York and another location. Rest still as before.
Something strange today: they have done the re-signalling at Simcoe and skipped the Harbourfront Centre TTC Stop/Queen's Quay Terminal West Driveway lights. Anybody know the reason? The notice said they would go block by block west, with Harbourfront Centre today and Simcoe tomorrow, but they've swapped the two. Strange.
Might be signage... It was installed for simcoe yesterday but only for the terminal today. The signs state that no right turns for eastbound traffic going into the simcoe parking garage ... And no left turns for westbound traffic going into the the terminal.
What's happening with the metal fishes that use to be embedded in the sidewalk at Pier 6? As far as I remember they were supposed to be somehow integrated in the new sidewalk or used in some other way.
What's happening with the metal fishes that use to be embedded in the sidewalk at Pier 6? As far as I remember they were supposed to be somehow integrated in the new sidewalk or used in some other way.

That was answered a few posts above...
Something strange today: they have done the re-signalling at Simcoe and skipped the Harbourfront Centre TTC Stop/Queen's Quay Terminal West Driveway lights. Anybody know the reason? The notice said they would go block by block west, with Harbourfront Centre today and Simcoe tomorrow, but they've swapped the two. Strange.
The area needs 2 controller, not the one as plan and will be a few days late going east as plan. Even if the eastbound is not in place until new week, no big deal as it will be finally done.
June 3
The first batch of photos are on line with a larger batch yet to come.

Stopping in the wrong location








