Toronto Quay West at Tip Top | ?m | 23s | Mattamy Homes | a—A

According to their September newsletter they sold 95% with 19 suites left. Estimated occupancy on the lower podium floor to start late August early September 2010.

Thanks very much for the info. I think the tower had been sold out except for the penthouses and couple of units in the podium....right?
Daily Commercial News

Tip Top condos take shape in Toronto
August 31, 2009



Work continues on the Quay West at Tip Top condominiums in Toronto. Monarch Corporation is the owner/general contractor of the 24-storey, 365-unit project; the architect/consultant is architectsAlliance.

The project will include a lounge, billiards room, fitness centre and cyber café. Subcontractors include: Michael Bros Excavating; Deep Foundations Contractors Inc.; Dufferin Concrete; Primo Mechanical; Jay Electric Ltd.; and Otis Canada (elevators).
If those V-columns get covered up, I'll go down there and rip the cladding off myself. Best construction surprise in awhile. And to think, in France, Holland, etc. these things get put on overpasses.
If those V-columns get covered up, I'll go down there and rip the cladding off myself. Best construction surprise in awhile. And to think, in France, Holland, etc. these things get put on overpasses.

There's an eastern U.S. state where the Interstate overpasses have distinctive V-columns, though I forget which one.
Yeah, the V columns are beautiful! :)

As instantly readable and perhaps cliche as it is, I really like how consistent they were with the horizontally alternating balconies.

It's looking great :)
I still feel for the purchasers in the original TipTop building lofts - regardless of whether they knew something was going to be built in front or not. What I find disconcerting is how the developer/designer did not make any efforts to maintain any of the sight-lines for those living in the first phase. Instead the entire new building blocks close to all the views out and essentially moves them forward to the new phase. They could have maintained the same amount of units, but sliced and punched a few holes through this new phase to allow more light and views through to the lake/marina and the surroundings.

Photos from Sept 27

Updates from Sept 27th:


The podium section looks to have reached its final height.
