Toronto Parade at Concord CityPlace | 127.4m | 44s | Concord Adex | P + S / IBI

30 March 2013: I eagerly await the day for that amazing Samsung Galaxy Camera to get a big price drop and/or the 2nd generation to come out. Why? Great zoom lens yet you can instantly share photos to UT, blogs etc. Anyone own one here?

Or maybe not - their liquor licence application wasn't granted yet - I'll let you guess what councilor wrote a letter against the application

"As this establishment is to be located in the base of a residential condominium building, there is some concern that it may cause noise and other disturbance to residents in the area and the condominium in which it is located. This application for a liquor licence is not in the public interest unless certain conditions, addressing the concerns of the community, are attached to the licence."

CityPlace seems to have more in common with the suburbs than the downtown.
It's sad we have Adam Vaughn as a counselor when he knows nothing about anything.
He knows a little something about mixing alcohol+young people in his ward.
If this place became popular, stays open past 10pm & later Fri/Sat the neighbourhood would be up in arms. Just stating a fact and you know it's true which is why he's opposing it, I'll bet there's probably already been a letter writing campaign or petition that he's received. Set your PVR to Rogers channel 10 on May 7th and see what he says about it (and May 8th because those are the casino debate/vote days which some provide plenty of entertainment).
I don't this is anything out of the ordinary. Same thing happened to Fox and Fiddle. This is not Yonge St. It's a residential area after all. It's good to set some rules and make sure things will be under control.
Or maybe not - their liquor licence application wasn't granted yet - I'll let you guess what councilor wrote a letter against the application

The one in whose ward the proposed restaurant will reside?

It's sad we have Adam Vaughn as a counselor when he knows nothing about anything.

He probably knows how to spell councillor.

While I am being a bit pissy about the sort of Know Nothing b/s that kris et al are propagating, I do think this is pretty damn short-sighted.
It's short-sighted if he's trying to kibosh the entire thing, it's somewhat reasonable if he's just trying to make sure that the establishment plays nicely with the residents. Though in all honesty it's probably going to be mostly residents that patronize the place, I can't see many people trekking down from King West when there's so many other options closer at hand
There were three other liquor licence applications for Ward 20 were discussed in the meeting on April 9 - all 4 with the same rationale for refusal.

So if a restaurant isn't suitable here - what exactly is?
There were three other liquor licence applications for Ward 20 were discussed in the meeting on April 9 - all 4 with the same rationale for refusal.

So if a restaurant isn't suitable here - what exactly is?

Well CityPlace does need a ScotiaBank branch to complete the set and make the neighbourhood a true destination.
This is not Yonge St. It's a residential area after all.

And your point with this would be???

Isn't it ironic how everyone hates on City Place for not having much to do there other then sleep and when bars try to open up they complain that this is not a place for bars.
I hope Canoe Landing Restaurant gets their liquor license. The area needs a good restaurant and this is a great location for it.
The Fox and Fiddle pub is just down the street and has a large patio. I don't know what kind of restaurant Canoe Landing will be, but I can't imagine it to be a resto-bar-lounge that attracts party goers like what you see on King West. A neighbourhood restaurant would be perfect here and will help bring some life to the park and draw in more retail tenants. If the restaurant is well managed and respects its neighbours it will be a benefit to everyone.

I thought the space would be a good candidate for Amsterdam Brewery. Can you picture their summer film series on the park across the street? That would be awesome!
