Toronto Pan Am Village in the West Don Lands | ?m | ?s | DundeeKilmer | KPMB

From the report:

"Palace Street" was not acceptable to Toronto Police Service, Toronto Fire Services and Toronto Emergency Medical Services as it is similar to "Palace Pier Court" and "Palace Arch Drive". It does not comply with The City of Toronto Street Naming Policy
approved by City Council at its meeting held on August 1, 2, 3 and 4, 2000 (Clause 9, Report 15 of the Works Committee), which states that "Similar sounding names such as Beach Avenue and Peach Avenue, or Apple Hill Road and Apple Road should be avoided. Due to non-compliance, it is recommended that this name not be approved."

The report recommended that, but the motion by Clr McConnell was yes, it will be included. would have been much easier for addressing purposes and directions to simply have addresses on River.

But it's a municipal street with street signs and front entrances of two buildings on this street. So a new street name would make sense over "Lower River Street".
Road names in West Don Lands approved by TEYCC.

That the Toronto and East York Community Council:

A. Approve the names "Trolley Crescent", "Cooperage Street", "Tannery Road" and "Rolling Mills Road" for proposed public streets located in the West Don Lands Redevelopment.
B. Recommend that:
1. City Council approve the name, "Palace Street" for a proposed public street located in the West Don Lands Redevelopment.

I'm liking these, but an Ataratiri Avenue may have been both fitting and a tad funny.
Oct 12






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I think this well end up alright, high quality public realm ... but is no where near the quality of Vancouver's Olympic village; But to be fair the amount they spent was ridiculous
^ This isn't exactly an "Olympic Village," it's a "Pan Am Village." Only if we get the Olympic Games in 2024, can you fairly compare our Olympic Village to Vancouver's.
Vancouver excels at landscaping. The Olmypic Village buildings themselves are of a high standard but, it's generally the green features that are innovative and the sourve of all the problems.
I don't understand why they made the buildings all grey. They had so many other options and yet, every single building seems to be a different shade of grey. Why are they so intimidated by colour? Is there any other reason to go all grey except to make the buildings cost less? If the rest of Toronto wasn't bombarded by grey, I wouldn't mind so much but the grey obsession continues, as does my opposition to it.

At some point this conformity BS has to come to an end. We are going to become the greyest city on earth, if we aren't already.
I don't understand why they made the buildings all grey. They had so many other options and yet, every single building seems to be a different shade of grey. Why are they so intimidated by colour? Is there any other reason to go all grey except to make the buildings cost less? If the rest of Toronto wasn't bombarded by grey, I wouldn't mind so much but the grey obsession continues, as does my opposition to it.

At some point this conformity BS has to come to an end. We are going to become the greyest city on earth, if we aren't already.

Because this is Toronto. We are a boring and bland people who accept and embrace mediocrity. Everyone involved in the development chain is likewise boring and bland and are only interested in maximizing profit and in making things as easy for themselves as possible. To paraphrase Henry Ford, you can have any colour you want - as long as it's grey!
Lawren Harris Square is officially open! Fencing removed along eastern edge as of yesterday.
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