Toronto Paintbox | ?m | 26s | Daniels | Diamond Schmitt

I agree 100% . There is nothing wrong with having women only swim times at public pools in fact this has existed for a long time. Not all women have bikini bods that they want to show off and if they want women only swim times I don't have a problem with it. It is a completely different matter to say that we must provide women only swim times in a public pool in order to "accommodate" a particular religion. This is a very slippery slope that we are on. Already in Regent Park the city (taxpayer) has provided rent free facilities for Mosque's in two of the TCHC buildings! The TDSB Public school that serves this community serves only Halal meat in the cafeteria! What about the rights of non-Muslim students attending these schools? Why should they be forced to eat Halal meat? What say , if any, do their parents have in this matter?

I believe if religion wasn't mentioned as a factor into any of these decisions there would be no controversy whatsoever i.e. having women only swims and closing the blinds so men could not peer in ! Please correct me if I'm wrong ?

In regards to halal meat while I agree with you on the whole; There is a very large argument to be made against this ... simply put its the chatloic school system in Ontario, which is 100% funded by tax dollars. So the argument that religious accommodations shouldn't be factored in is so far from the actual relatively today ...
I believe if religion wasn't mentioned as a factor into any of these decisions there would be no controversy whatsoever i.e. having women only swims and closing the blinds so men could not peer in ! Please correct me if I'm wrong ?

You are correct. There would be no controversy at all if they had just instituted women only swim times which have been commonplace for a long time. I don't even have an issue with blinds being drawn since since it will keep away any pervs.
I agree 100% . There is nothing wrong with having women only swim times at public pools in fact this has existed for a long time. Not all women have bikini bods that they want to show off and if they want women only swim times I don't have a problem with it. It is a completely different matter to say that we must provide women only swim times in a public pool in order to "accommodate" a particular religion.

But as SP!RE rightly notes, if we did not make such accommodations there's a good chance many women would not use the facility at all. In this sense, we aren't being held hostage to the 'demands' of another religion as some may claim, but rather recognizing the right of everyone to use the aquatic facility. As such, a certain amount of careful planning must not only go into the design of the space itself but also the schedule to which the pool must operate.

This is a very slippery slope that we are on. Already in Regent Park the city (taxpayer) has provided rent free facilities for Mosque's in two of the TCHC buildings!

It's not and your patent fear mongering doesn't help anyone. Have you seen either of the mosques you claim are getting a free ride? In reality they're simply disused, basement spaces which have been repurposed into meaningful places of worship. If you feel it's right to charge people extra rent for trying to use every part of the building they live in efficiently then have at it, but don't expect the majority of Canadians to side with you. Our country was built on the idea that making space for 'other' people was the just and right thing to do - I don't see how this is any different. If you believe that that sort of tolerance represents a 'slippery slope' toward Sharia law or some other such nonsense then you've really drunk the Harper / Levant kool-aid.

The TDSB Public school that serves this community serves only Halal meat in the cafeteria! What about the rights of non-Muslim students attending these schools? Why should they be forced to eat Halal meat? What say , if any, do their parents have in this matter?

I'm not sure who is forcing who to eat Halal meat? There are plenty of options outside of the cafeteria if one feels that strongly about it.
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I'm not sure who is forcing who to eat Halal meat? There are plenty of options outside of the cafeteria if one feels that strongly about it.


Yum. It's rich in bunly goodness!

Back on topic, folks.
I'm not sure who is forcing who to eat Halal meat? There are plenty of options outside of the cafeteria if one feels that strongly about it.
I'm not familiar with this situation, but if it's right... are you kidding! Whatever happened to acceptance? So now kids are going to have to leave school to eat if they don't partake in Halal meats? I say bring back the Lord's Prayer to classrooms and make others just leave that do not wish to participate. </sarcasm>
Interestingly would one have problems if being served with food that is certified Kosher (like a good chunk of processed food currently are)? If those who are served the food didn't have a problem, why are we making such a big deal out of it?

Anyways, back to the topic.

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The Regent Park Aquatic Centre will have its official opening today at 1pm. The price of admission: $5.50 for families; $3 per adult; free to those who qualify for social assistance, in accordance with the City of Toronto’s welcome policy.

City Councillors Paul Ainslie and Pam McConnell were expected to be on hand for the opening.

Environment Minister Peter Kent was also expected to join them, along with many members of the community, for the 1 p.m. ribbon-cutting ceremony. article:
Donald Trump Helps Buy Toronto a New Public Swimming Pool

Marc Weisblott
Published: November 16, 2012, 12:00 pm
Updated: 23 hours ago

...this weekend in Toronto, the Trump brand gets an opportunity to redeem itself with the opening of the new Regent Park Aquatic Centre.

The state-of-the-art swimming facility — part of the dramatic revitalization of a neglected social housing complex on the east side of downtown — was planned five years ago as Trump arrived to launch construction of his 65-floor luxury hotel and tower.

Section 37 of the Ontario Planing Act was designed to encourage developers to offer community benefits in exchange for increased height and density — a concept that Mayor Rob Ford has opposed. But the $2 million grant toward the $14.8 million cost of the aquatic centre is likely to be seen as one of its success stories.

Trump Toronto opened in the spring, with daughter Ivanka continuing to preside over its promotion, although its construction has been accompanied by a different kind of controversy. A piece of glass fell from the 30th or 50th floor to the ground at the corner of Bay and Adelaide Sts. early on a Saturday in March — and it happened again from the 34th floor at 4 p.m. this past Tuesday.

The new pool has received better press ahead of its official opening: Stalls that allow swimmers to privately change into their suits are a particularly overdue idea. A Tarzan rope that hangs off the ceiling is anticipated to be popular with kids...

Read more:
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Awesome update! I'll have to head over there sometime soon and walk around a bit.
when driving along dundas you certainly no longer feel like you are driving into one of the worst neighbourhoods in the country. (maybe because it no longer is)
Photos taken 22 December 2012

This post is mostly about the rebirth of Sackville Street as a true north-south route and the buildings that will frame it in this part of downtown again after 65 years of being cut in half by Regent Park. It was refreshing to be able to alter my route between home and The Distillery; having a walkable street network that is attached to the surrounding area made it feel completely different.




Does this street have a name yet?




I believe that this street will have a very wide sidewalk on the east side with a double row of trees and retail along the full length of the development.


A quick peek inside the school's addition.





Brilliant update and I love the context shots like the last one, which really show the fabric of the area and its re-integration with the surrounding neighbourhood. Thanks for sharing!
I was looking at some apartments in Paintbox today and those on the west of the building have a fantastic view (bar the one obvious building) - taken with my phone

