Senior Member
So is MX's credibility not a relevant point? Can you explain why?Your ability to completely deflect and bring up some completely irrelevant point fascinates me.
I have a "rare opportunity" to reach out? Wow, I'm so honoured. This person isn't some super famous person whose mere presence I should cherish, this is some person who has a very dubious claim that doesn't deserve my time or energy in this thread. If she wants to come out and dispel some of the things we're saying about her, she's free to do so. But until she comes out with a narrative that makes the tiniest bit of sense, I will continue to completely disregard her story and her plight.
The key part of course being that its on HER to come out with a logically consistent and reasonable story. She is going around claiming that Metrolinx screwed her over, so if that's true then she's free to provide a consistent and logical narrative that actually demonstrates this fact. Just because Metrolinx has a "history" of screwing people over means absolutely nothing. She made several contradictory claims that are very difficult to logically square, claims that make me doubt her account and believe in what Metrolinx is doing. I have no reason to spend my time making a tiktok account, just to send some random person a dm that will result in the most inevitable conclusion imaginable.
Honestly at this point I'm not even writing this to put her down, I'm writing this because your eagerness to defend this person and her story despite your implication that she's a complete stranger frankly astounds me. Here's an idea: If you're so convinced this person was wronged by Metrolinx, why don't YOU ask her directly, why don't YOU bring up the points we made here. It seems like you already have a TikTok so you're probably the most qualified person to send such a DM. If you're so convinced she's right, bring these points up with her, let's see what response you get.
Good Luck!
Look how many paragraphs you've typed out? if you ACTUALLY cared about the truth you'd ask her. Anything else is a waste of energy.