Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

jesus, I hope if they city is expropriating your land and kicking you out of your house they go easier on you than you are on some stranger in her 80s

Back of the napkin calculations here. Here is the street view of the house in question:

The 2 storey portion of the build has a Google Earth sqft of roughly 900 to 950 sqft. Doubling that to get the total above ground sqft we get 1800 to 1900 sqft.

The 1 storey building on the left of the picture is approximately 350 sqft.

I'm not sure what calculation brings out the 2500 sqft that's being showcased. Maybe with the garage?

End of the day, at least there's traction with media on this story. Hopefully they come to a mutually agreeable solution.
jesus, I hope if they city is expropriating your land and kicking you out of your house they go easier on you than you are on some stranger in her 80s
In other words, you have nothing, and as a result you resort to attacking my character. Wonderful.

Being 80 does not grant you immunity from being a liar and misrepresenting your situation for sympathy.
In other words, you have nothing, and as a result you resort to attacking my character. Wonderful.

Being 80 does not grant you immunity from being a liar and misrepresenting your situation for sympathy.
I have the person who brought this to the news as their source. I feel you're being unreasonably harsh which yes is part of your character. DO a single one of us fell MX has never been shady?

There is a chance they are lying but OTOH having dealt with relatives in similar circumstances (home being threatened) it's really going to mess with someone initially. I have sympathy for them if they don't have all the paperwork on hand day one. Unless you have a lawyer handy (who has the pocket change for that?) You're basically on your own vs a company with a whole legal dept, and a clock ticking away.

It's easy to throw shade when you have absolutely zero skin in the game!
I have the person who brought this to the news as their source. I feel you're being unreasonably harsh which yes is part of your character. DO a single one of us fell MX has never been shady?

There is a chance they are lying but OTOH having dealt with relatives in similar circumstances (home being threatened) it's really going to mess with someone initially. I have sympathy for them if they don't have all the paperwork on hand day one. Unless you have a lawyer handy (who has the pocket change for that?) You're basically on your own vs a company with a whole legal dept, and a clock ticking away.

It's easy to throw shade when you have absolutely zero skin in the game!
And you continue to refuse to address any of the points or reasons I brought up. Great.
Couple decent shots on the OL instagram today:
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Next to Jimmie Simpson:
View attachment 570631

At the future site of a cut and cover track crossover under Pape, not sure what the current activity entails:
View attachment 570632

Same here, not sure what’s being done. Just pushing dirt:
View attachment 570633

Is that the headwall/station box for Corktown in that first pic? What a view the people in those condos have across the street. They should join this thread.
Go look at her tiktok and take it up with her, it's a rare chance you're able to do that.

Adding my two cents. Both sides are not currently trustworthy.

If they have an appraisal, then it should have been given to Metrolinx and Global News. For now, there's not enough evidence for us to come to a conclusion. So, both Metrolinx and the homeowner should be seen as innocent (until proven guilty).

The person being 80 doesn't make any difference.

I laughed when the Global News reported finished her story with "...and don't forget, she's 81" as if that has anything to do with the facts of the story.
Adding my two cents. Both sides are not currently trustworthy.

If they have an appraisal, then it should have been given to Metrolinx and Global News. For now, there's not enough evidence for us to come to a conclusion. So, both Metrolinx and the homeowner should be seen as innocent (until proven guilty).

The person being 80 doesn't make any difference.

I laughed when the Global News reported finished her story with "...and don't forget, she's 81" as if that has anything to do with the facts of the story.
You haven't noticed older people have cognitive or physical decline as they age? My parents are in their late 60's and aren't as sharp as they used to be.
Is that the headwall/station box for Corktown in that first pic? What a view the people in those condos have across the street. They should join this thread.
Yeah I’m quite surprised how far they’ve gotten since we’ve last seen the site. This shot of Corktown is facing north-northwest, close to King and Berkeley. The entrance will be right in the camera’s view, I believe the King streetcar Parliament stop may be shifted over here too.
You haven't noticed older people have cognitive or physical decline as they age? My parents are in their late 60's and aren't as sharp as they used to be.

Yes, your point? Her daughter is clearly helping and she's not 81. She lives in a self proclaimed multi-generational home and she's probably gotten support from others as well. And the help is significant enough to get onto national news.

Again, her age isn't stopping her or her daughter to show the appraisal that they already have to Global News with the higher square footage and potentially higher price.

Don't try to bring TikTok as any sort of reference. Like my old history teacher used to say about things on the Internet "my dog can make changes on the Internet and people would probably believe it".

🤣 🤣
Go look at her tiktok and take it up with her, it's a rare chance you're able to do that.
I have no interest in selling my soul to the Chinese government by making a TikTok account, just to speak to a woman playing Karen. My time is better spent on something other than getting yelled at, and inevitably ghosted by a middle-aged woman. I get it, playing Karen is a very effective tactic to get lower level government institutions (such as schools) to bend over and get what you want, and I'm not going to pretend I haven't used this to my advantage in the past on a smaller scale. Doesn't mean I won't call her out it.

Fact of the matter is, the case as presented by yourself and global news has glaring inconsistencies and red flags that scream "clout chaser", and paints someone who thinks they deserve preferential treatment.
Yes, your point? Her daughter is clearly helping and she's not 81. She lives in a self proclaimed multi-generational home and she's probably gotten support from others as well. And the help is significant enough to get onto national news.

Again, her age isn't stopping her or her daughter to show the appraisal that they already have to Global News with the higher square footage and potentially higher price.

Don't try to bring TikTok as any sort of reference. Like my old history teacher used to say about things on the Internet "my dog can make changes on the Internet and people would probably believe it".

🤣 🤣
If the person your citing is the one who made the video, I see no reason not to cite them. Literally in the global news article it states:

“Each side will have the opportunity to question or cross-examine the other side’s appraisers, and then the tribunal will decide what the fair market value really is,” he continued. “Maybe Metrolinx doesn’t have all the facts. Maybe they don’t know about some of the improvements in the house. Maybe they don’t know that there was a business being carried on and how valuable that business was to the site.”
as well as
“The communication has been very up and down. So they’re like, ‘No, we’re not going to take it, don’t worry, don’t worry,'” she said. “Then, just in February, they’re like ‘No, it’s a done deal, we’re taking it.'”
I have no interest in selling my soul to the Chinese government by making a TikTok account, just to speak to a woman playing Karen. My time is better spent on something other than getting yelled at, and inevitably ghosted by a middle-aged woman. I get it, playing Karen is a very effective tactic to get lower level government institutions (such as schools) to bend over and get what you want, and I'm not going to pretend I haven't used this to my advantage in the past on a smaller scale. Doesn't mean I won't call her out it.

Fact of the matter is, the case as presented by yourself and global news has glaring inconsistencies and red flags that scream "clout chaser", and paints someone who thinks they deserve preferential treatment.
Did I not already say if you have any more questions ask the source directly? The article already says MX was acting inconsistently. I don't know why you keep talking to me when for one of the few times it ever happens you can talk to the source directly, how dare I suggest you download an app to make a throwaway account?

If this was "preferential treatment" then there would not be a process and a tribunal. There is because everyone knows the government doesn't always play fair.
If the person your citing is the one who made the video, I see no reason not to cite them. Literally in the global news article it states:

The person you're citing only states that there's an appraisal of 2500sqft in a non-verifiable platform. If the appraisal was in the Global News article then it makes sense, the journalist would have asked to see it to verify that it's true. TikTok or any other user created content site cannot be used as a verifiable source.

Here let me give you an example. UrbanToronto is a place where users can post information. I am stating right now that I'm the Prime Minister of Canada. Why don't you cite me as a verified source and ask why Justin is taking my place? 🤣🤣

The same way, the daughter is stating an appraisal of 2500 sqft without any sort of proof in TikTok. And you're ranting against Metrolinx with this information. The daughter loses nothing and gains everything by posting whatever she wants on TikTok.

Again, I'm not saying that either side is right or wrong. Just that we've only heard one side. It's innocent until proven guilty. And there's no proof in the article.
The person you're citing only states that there's an appraisal of 2500sqft in a non-verifiable platform. If the appraisal was in the Global News article then it makes sense, the journalist would have asked to see it to verify that it's true. TikTok or any other user created content site cannot be used as a verifiable source.

Here let me give you an example. UrbanToronto is a place where users can post information. I am stating right now that I'm the Prime Minister of Canada. Why don't you cite me as a verified source and ask why Justin is taking my place? 🤣🤣

The same way, the daughter is stating an appraisal of 2500 sqft without any sort of proof in TikTok. And you're ranting against Metrolinx with this information. The daughter loses nothing and gains everything by posting whatever she wants on TikTok.

Again, I'm not saying that either side is right or wrong. Just that we've only heard one side. It's innocent until proven guilty. And there's no proof in the article.
MX has a history of shady moves, I'm pointing out if people have a problem with her claim you have a very rare opportunity to reach out directly.

Remember when they decided not to donate land and then did a 180 based on public pressure?

But people here don't actually want to metaphorically get off their ass. I remember we were "debating" was GO going to refurbish the old cab cars, and I was the only person who emailed them and got a source to end the debate. I guess some people couldn't spare the 30 seconds.

MX has a history of shady moves, I'm pointing out if people have a problem with her claim you have a very rare opportunity to reach out directly.

Remember when they decided not to donate land and then did a 180 based on public pressure?

But people here don't actually want to metaphorically get off their ass. I remember we were "debating" was GO going to refurbish the old cab cars, and I was the only person who emailed them and got a source to end the debate. I guess some people couldn't spare the 30 seconds.

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Your ability to completely deflect and bring up some completely irrelevant point fascinates me.

I have a "rare opportunity" to reach out? Wow, I'm so honoured. This person isn't some super famous person whose mere presence I should cherish, this is some person who has a very dubious claim that doesn't deserve my time or energy in this thread. If she wants to come out and dispel some of the things we're saying about her, she's free to do so. But until she comes out with a narrative that makes the tiniest bit of sense, I will continue to completely disregard her story and her plight.

The key part of course being that its on HER to come out with a logically consistent and reasonable story. She is going around claiming that Metrolinx screwed her over, so if that's true then she's free to provide a consistent and logical narrative that actually demonstrates this fact. Just because Metrolinx has a "history" of screwing people over means absolutely nothing. She made several contradictory claims that are very difficult to logically square, claims that make me doubt her account and believe in what Metrolinx is doing. I have no reason to spend my time making a tiktok account, just to send some random person a dm that will result in the most inevitable conclusion imaginable.

Honestly at this point I'm not even writing this to put her down, I'm writing this because your eagerness to defend this person and her story despite your implication that she's a complete stranger frankly astounds me. Here's an idea: If you're so convinced this person was wronged by Metrolinx, why don't YOU ask her directly, why don't YOU bring up the points we made here. It seems like you already have a TikTok so you're probably the most qualified person to send such a DM. If you're so convinced she's right, bring these points up with her, let's see what response you get.

Good Luck!
