New Member
Looking at the list above I wouldn't count our chickens before they've hatched.
Sure, but hey, we're already further along on literally every project I've listed than we ever were for any Transit City project when Rob Ford was elected and cancelled the whole thing.
If you want be pessimistic to leave out everything that isn't under construction today, that's fine -- the point still stands because it's still 40 new LRT stations over the next couple of years. It's going to be a huge step forward for this city to have two more east-west rapid transit routes.
I'm happy that the Ford government is making the right noises about transit, and appears to be continuing the GO RER expansion, which is way, way more than I expected when he was elected.That said, money hasn't been put down for this line yet. I truly hope something like this is designed and built soon. Truly.
The list of things one can criticize Ford for is vast, but commitment to public transit in Toronto shouldn't be one of them. Ten years ago he and his brother were stumping for Sheppard East as a subway ("subways, subways, subways!") and getting laughed at..... Twenty years from now we'll probably be happy we didn't build it as an LRT.
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