Toronto One Crosstown Towers I, II, III, and The Crest | 129.86m | 39s | Aspen Ridge | Core Architects

I am not an expert but I remember hearing maybe a year ago that the townhouses were being re-evaluated. Makes sense.

The townhomes are not being re-evaluated. They have already submitted Block 8 for approval to the city and want to put them on sale asap. Perhaps the more northern towns might be at risk but not the south ones

The aspen ridge back team sucks with getting proposals approved. Block 9 and Block 8 still pending and the way it is looking likely won't come till next year. Which means no new launches since 2021 (3 years). This development at this rate likely won't be done until 2040 lol
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The townhomes are not being re-evaluated. They have already submitted Block 8 for approval to the city and want to put them on sale asap. Perhaps the more northern towns might be at risk but not the south ones

The aspen ridge back team sucks with getting proposals approved. Block 9 and Block 8 still pending and the way it is looking likely won't come till next year. Which means no new launches since 2021 (3 years). This development at this rate likely won't be done until 2040 lol
There's no reason to believe based on the photos that there wouldn't be room to fit the townhomes. Assuming the buildings are the same scale as submitted to the City (they would be) and the roads are being built as proposed (same deal, they are), then how could they run out of room. Barring massive earthquakes that we must have missed, or some space-time distortion field there, the space is still available. It's just the distortion of telephoto images, where depth is compressed, that would make it look like there was less space available than there actually is.

4th floor pour just happened on the Eastern part of the Crest building

Status update:

The Crest: 4th floor wall pours mostly done in the Eastern half, while the Western half is still on 4th floor with no wall forms seen so far
Westernmost tower: 2nd floor wall forms in place
Eastern 2 towers: P1 floor wall forms in place in some parts, pours happening today as seen by the concrete trucks nearby

Status update:

The Crest: 5th floor forms in place in the Easternmost part, while 4th floor wall pours are ongoing in the Western part
Westernmost tower: 2nd floor wall pours done, 3rd floor forms in place
Eastern 2 towers: P1 floor wall pours ongoing

5th floor pours are done, and 5th floor wall forms are now in place in the Eastern part of the Crest building

View attachment 479678View attachment 479679
@James1256 I will ask you a similar question I did in the metro park forum.

How long do you think it will take the Crosstown far western most building (looks to be at floor 2 and 32 floors total I believe) to complete and what about the middle (39 floors) and eastern building (34 floors I believe) respectively that seem to be at or close to at grade now?
@James1256 I will ask you a similar question I did in the metro park forum.

How long do you think it will take the Crosstown far western most building (looks to be at floor 2 and 32 floors total I believe) to complete and what about the middle (39 floors) and eastern building (34 floors I believe) respectively that seem to be at or close to at grade now?
The hardest parts (Underground levels) are close to being done, so maybe within 2 years all 3 should be substantially complete. They're working really fast on the midrise Crest building (Which is even wider and has a more complex shape than the tower ones), so that's a good sign for the 3 tower ones.
The hardest parts (Underground levels) are close to being done, so maybe within 2 years all 3 should be substantially complete. They're working really fast on the midrise Crest building (Which is even wider and has a more complex shape than the tower ones), so that's a good sign for the 3 tower ones.

Would you say by early 2025 the two eastern buildings will be ready to be occupied?
Would you say by early 2025 the two eastern buildings will be ready to be occupied?
Maybe topped out, but I think occupation would happen later than that since glass cladding, interior systems, etc. might not be complete then. Not to mention there may be issues to fix (Aspen Ridge is a good developer, but with any new construction there may be issues that could delay it). Auberge on the park is a good example too (The ones right behind this), the tallest one topped out months ago yet the cladding is just now close to completion.
Progress update:

The Crest: 6th floor forms starting to be put in place in the Eastern part, the Western part now has 5th floor wall forms which are being poured into today
Westernmost tower: 3rd floor wall forms are being put into place
Middle tower: 1st floor forms being put into place

