Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

People say that it looks like aqua Chicago but I think its much better than aqua. Aqua looks like it is still under construction.
I remember walking by the site in July as it had just reached grade. This project is progressing very slowly, but I expect that, like 56 Leonard in Manhattan, it will pick up speed once the podium is finished.

The cold weather is partly to blame. My brother-in-law works on a site downtown. Last Friday, he drove in all the way from Simcoe County for work. The workers hung around for about 2 hours and the pit boss sent them home. Things probably won't get moving until March unless we get a warm-spell.
It's a harsh climate for just walking around outside getting from place to place, let alone having to work a long day outside in the freezing cold. Working in construction does a number on one's body that's for sure.
It's a harsh climate for just walking around outside getting from place to place, let alone having to work a long day outside in the freezing cold. Working in construction does a number on one's body that's for sure.

Then again, if I had to be outside in this weather, I would rather be a construction worker than a crossing guard. Standing still and sitting are the things that get you. If anything, the construction workers are much more comfortable than any of us waiting for a streetcar.
Then again, if I had to be outside in this weather, I would rather be a construction worker than a crossing guard. Standing still and sitting are the things that get you. If anything, the construction workers are much more comfortable than any of us waiting for a streetcar.

I was told by a contractor once that it wasn't the cold that stops the work because they can always dress for it, it is a safety concern because with all the clothes/gear on, there is a loss of mobility, and ability to see dangers around and above them.
There are guidelines for cold weather work that specify warm up breaks of set durations to take place at fixed intervals. As it gets colder the breaks get longer and the intervals get shorter, so that the contractor ends up paying a fixed cost for an ever-dwindling amount of work. That's usually the thing that shuts down a job site, but I've also had many days end early because a piece of equipment wouldn't run in the cold, or some chemical we were using wouldn't work past -30C.
If anything, the construction workers are much more comfortable than any of us waiting for a streetcar.

Haha. At Queen and Spadina there is an area where you are encouraged to dance between two signs. It's one family-friendly way to stay warm while waiting for the streetcars :p
People say that it looks like aqua Chicago but I think its much better than aqua. Aqua looks like it is still under construction.

Also the Aqua balconies look shoddy, and the mechanical levels break the sense of movement to the building. One Bloor FTW!
Re weather: sites are not pouring concrete on days when it is below minus 15. There have been a lot of very significant (and expensive) delays over the last few weeks. With this many days lost it will be very difficult to play catch-up and a number of sites will have delayed closings as a result.
People say that it looks like aqua Chicago but I think its much better than aqua. Aqua looks like it is still under construction.

Also the Aqua balconies look shoddy, and the mechanical levels break the sense of movement to the building. One Bloor FTW!

Don't worry, Toronto developers always find a way to screw up a good design. How about we wait and see how this turns out, before we scoff at Chicago architecture (LOL).
Don't worry, Toronto developers always find a way to screw up a good design.

Or we could look at the actual track records of the developer and architects responsible for this project. With Great Gulf and Hariri Pontarini at the helm, it's a pretty safe bet that this tower will turn out well.
I think One Bloor will turn out excellent, easily beating both Trump (sloppy) and Aura (mediocre) and will finally be a 250m+ project that universally impresses us on UT. At least I hope so. There is no reason to assume otherwise with the excellent track record of the developer. This tower will totally change the feel of this intersection.
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Don't worry, Toronto developers always find a way to screw up a good design. How about we wait and see how this turns out, before we scoff at Chicago architecture (LOL).

Give me a break. How about stop to bring down the hype for this project? Or you like to arguing for the sake of argument?
Another one of my pictures from over the weekend

Give me a break. How about stop to bring down the hype for this project? Or you like to arguing for the sake of argument?

I agree with salsa. Lets wait and see how it turns out. Right now it's floor slab and shoring, nothing there to suggest anything. In my opinion the Aqua building in Chicago looks like someone threw up all over it. This could end up looking the same. Lets talk in June.
