Toronto Murano | ?m | 45s | Lanterra | a—A

Pretty annoying that I had to get out of my car yesterday morning to move the dump bins that was blocking the exit to Grosvenor. Horrible?

Horrible? no. Annoying? Yes. Unique to this condo? No.

One might think the best way to avoid problems is to wait and move in until after all the finishes are done. However, a reality of life is that annoying things happen all the time and certain complains, such as garbage bins, do not have anything to do with architectural quality or even construction.
I'd rather move in before construction of the complex was complete then continue to rent or live in my previous dwelling after waiting years for construction delays and other hold-ups. It seems clear that the street wall will not be completed until both towers are finished and they can add the weather protecting overhang the span the whole podium. The overhang distrupt the coloured glass. It might take the rest of the summer or into the fall to complete, much like RoCP took nearly 6 months after all residents moved in. It is not ideal but how is it any different that people moving into a subdivision without a lawn or paved drive way having to wait up to 2 years before landscaping is completed in the entire area?

If there was no phantom rent, and payments went directly towards your mortgage, then I'd agree with you 100%.
But as it stands, paying for an unfinished product is complete and utter crap.
It is not ideal but how is it any different that people moving into a subdivision without a lawn or paved drive way having to wait up to 2 years before landscaping is completed in the entire area?

That wouldn't be acceptable either, except for the fact that in this climate sod can't be put down until early summer once it's grown, can be cut and laid.

Can anyone living there comment on the state of the interior of the north tower?

Is plywood still up in the elevator cabs, are the lobby and residential hallways complete, are any amenities available?

For the record, I love this project. My point is that it's pretty crappy the way some developers rush to get people moved in to make money far before the buidling is really ready to be occupied. Of course many things can remain unfinished, but Murano north is still in pretty rough shape. Remember people have already been living there for several months already, and look at the photos from two days ago.
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My point is that it's pretty crappy the way some developers rush to get people moved in to make money far before the buidling is really ready to be occupied.

The carrying costs for the developer are very very high. If there was no income to offset that during the interim occupancy stage then the initial asking price for the units would be set accordingly higher in most cases (some purchasers would be better off in one scenario and others in another depending on when they move in). The costs have to be passed on at some point which is why interim occupancy occurs.

There are other legal aspects that push developers to move people into their units as soon as they are ready for occupancy (obviously there would be a range of opinions on what 'acceptable' should be for occupancy - but there are legal occupancy terms set out by the municipality, provincial legislation and the tarion warranty corporation).
Hey, good eye UD! I didn't even see that when I was by there (my dog was especially energetic today & was dragging me all over the damn place). That looks very promising!

At this time the brick (similar, but a little lighter than what was used at the Four Seasons Centre and at Casa) is only up on the east facing laneway. It does however look like it's not complete, and will be laid higher.
Although the render is very small it does suggest darker support pillars along the south and west sides of the building (I know, it's only a render) but the render also doesn't appear to illustrate the art component windows on the 2nd floor. So who knows at this point, time will tell.

Rendering (pretty small unfortunately):


Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

June 11-09

Finally, the sidewalk in front of the north tower on Bay Street has been completely opened up now, all fencing is down.

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thx for the detective work, dt_geek, driving down Bay St. yesterday, I looked but couldn't see it....mystery solved...:)
Construction workers

Had an interesting incident happen on Friday coming out the underground parking with a construction worker. I couldn't hear him, but attempted to read his lips....I think he said something like "^*&*(*(@#)@(&^%*(*()!#&%%^%(".....anyone finding the workers to be a bit rude?
June 15th

Today from U of T, Back Campus

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Those are fine lookin' pics dt - did you get a new camera?

Thank you :)
Nope, it's my same 6 year old Minolta DiMage F300. Every time I get close to buying a good new camera I read about newer cameras with cool features coming down the pike so I hold off. I'll end up hauling this thing around until it finally craps out.
