Toronto Murano | ?m | 45s | Lanterra | a—A

Boldly standing thin and tall.

These are classy buildings. Along with the other buildings going up, this stretch of Bay is going to be as iconic as lower Bay Street. I just wish something could be done to improve landscaping along there. As it is, it's pretty austere.
^ When all the buildings are complete and everybody's moved in, all these condos need to get together and form a residents association to clean up the street. You're right, it's not very attractive. A lot of people live on this stretch of Bay and the city's getting a lot of property tax $. A nice streetscape is certainly justified.
I walked past the building today and it increasingly looks like the concrete supports at ground level are not going to be covered (or polished, or painted or fixed up in any manner). And they look terrible, by the way.
I walked past the building today and it increasingly looks like the concrete supports at ground level are not going to be covered (or polished, or painted or fixed up in any manner). And they look terrible, by the way.

Don't be so sure. I remember I thought the same thing about the columns at Verve. It was one of the last things they did.
I hope you are right. (but they have attached fixtures onto the supports already, which I suppose could always be removed.)
^ When all the buildings are complete and everybody's moved in, all these condos need to get together and form a residents association to clean up the street. You're right, it's not very attractive. A lot of people live on this stretch of Bay and the city's getting a lot of property tax $. A nice streetscape is certainly justified.

Funny how we simply don't expect this of the city anymore. Something wrong here.
It is a fairly loose affiliation, but it is my understanding that an 'Upper Bay' corridor residents association has met a few times and was involved in the U condo sub-committee meetings set up by the Kyle Rae & the planning department.
I walked past the building today and it increasingly looks like the concrete supports at ground level are not going to be covered (or polished, or painted or fixed up in any manner). And they look terrible, by the way.

They will be covered, but probably once both the North and South buildings are completed and inhabited. If RoCP is any example, the street detailing was the last thing completed and it was done almost 5 months after the second crane came down.
I was walking East towards Murano along a side street with the afternoon sun behind my back. I was bothered by how clear and transparent the windows were. Stacked boxes, other crap, and inferior window coverings in some units were just too visible.

Also the edge of the concete walls seperating rooms within the building seemed to come right up against the glass. It seemed very raw.

Overall the effect was scrappy, I'm very hopeful it was just a function of the direct afternoon lighting.

One of the challenges of glass towers is that they do not remain beautiful and sterile for long. Eventually "folks" move in with crappy window coverings, or they stack messy belonging right up against the floor to ceiling windows.

Why don't buildings enforce window covering standards? All the supeintendent needs to do is stand outside to find offenders?
