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Toronto Municipal Election 2018: Mayor’s Race

While I don't dislike Tory like others do, I think it is good that he at least have someone credible to debate. So far, no one seems interested in challenging him.
I miss Kevin. I haven't seen him in about five years. I used to chat with him in the streets, starting back in 2006 when I lived in Parkdale.
I wish Gord Perks ran for mayor. I think he'd be much better as mayor than as councillor, because he tends to look at the bigger picture, rather than trying to secure goodies for his ward. Looking at how poorly he did in 2014 (getting only 55% against poor opposition) he might not even get reelected in his ward.
Looking at how poorly he did in 2014 (getting only 55% against poor opposition) he might not even get reelected in his ward.

Actually, under the circumstance, it was *strong* opposition. Charmain Emerson was the closest 2014 came to a 2010-style MMMcMahon/Liz West-style opposition-galvanizing NDP-incumbent-buster/scarer...
Actually, under the circumstance, it was *strong* opposition. Charmain Emerson was the closest 2014 came to a 2010-style MMMcMahon/Liz West-style opposition-galvanizing NDP-incumbent-buster/scarer...
She was a poor candidate in the sense that she ran a very disingenuous campaign that avoided taking clear stances on city-wide issues (Island Airport, Gardiner, LRTs, Scarborough subway, DRL), or even on local issues. She had a video on Facebook where she complained about the streetcar stop bump-outs on Roncesvalles. The clip showed drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists complain about why they didn't like them, but without ever suggesting what an alternative solution might be. Clearly there is no option that would make everyone happy, but she pretended otherwise.
Her only position was that she was against Gord Perks. The fact that that was enough to get her a sizable number of votes should really give him some pause.
She was a poor candidate in the sense that she ran a very disingenuous campaign that avoided taking clear stances on city-wide issues (Island Airport, Gardiner, LRTs, Scarborough subway, DRL), or even on local issues. She had a video on Facebook where she complained about the streetcar stop bump-outs on Roncesvalles. The clip showed drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists complain about why they didn't like them, but without ever suggesting what an alternative solution might be. Clearly there is no option that would make everyone happy, but she pretended otherwise.
Her only position was that she was against Gord Perks. The fact that that was enough to get her a sizable number of votes should really give him some pause.

"Disingenuous" does not equal "poor". Case in point: the Fords. Whatever you may think of their stances, they're strong campaigners.
Via Kristyn Wong-Tam's Twitter account:

If Doug Ford is truly out of the Toronto election, there is suddenly a lot of room for a truly progressive candidate without fear of the anti-Ford strategic vote. Let's put #VisionZero #GardinerEast and #Scarborough subway extension on the ballot box. #TOpoli #ONpoli

One interesting progressive mayoral candidate already committed is @SarahC2018 (Look her up). Others could be @shelleycarroll (Please don’t go!) @RichardAPeddie @jen_keesmaat @DesmondCole @cathyacrowe @JoshMatlow @m_layton @SlolyServes. Any others?
The Ford voters aren't likely to come out. If a Ford isn't running, they don't care. That's one thing the Fords did well: mobilize a group that traditionally doesn't bother to vote.

I have my doubts about this. I think it comes down to how much Ford campaigns for the candidate.

Awkward as it may be, we may well see a putative Premier Ford campaign for Mayor Tory. That would be something to see. Ha ha!

Hopefully, Ford doesn't win the recount or in June. And we don't have to see this.
Brainstorming here: Is it possible that the removal of Ford from the election might actually hurt Tory's chance of winning. Hear me out. The presence of Ford in the last election essentially scared a lot of left-of-centre people into voting for Tory (just like how Hudak scared a lot of NDPers into voting for Wynne). Without Ford there to scare people, these leftists will be free to vote for a left-leaning candidate without fear of calamity.

Further, Ford's presence motivated a lot of people to turn out that otherwise would not have. The election had a record turn out of 54%, vs 50% and 39% for the prior two elections. This higher turn out would have favoured Tory. In the 2018 elections, I don't feel that as many would-be Tory supporters would have the same motivation to turn out, while a strong or inspiring leftist candidate would inspire that part of the electorate to turn out.
