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Toronto Municipal Election 2018: Mayor’s Race

He may not run as mayor, but can he run as councillor and have the current bumwarmer run the baton in the mayoral race? It isn't like we didn't have this antecedent of role-swapping in 2014.

Ford running for MPP of Etobicoke North really is a good indication that we’ll be rid of him even if he doesn’t win the leadership bid. While I won’t take Ford’s word on this, I’ve come to gain an understanding of how his mind works. He just wants the prestige and power of holding a political office and the megaphone it provides. Queens Park is more prestigious than City Hall. He’ll likely win the Etobicoke North riding and hold it. Luckily, a backbencher MPP is easy to ignore.

I’d say the odds are pretty good that the Mayoral race is now wide open for a left candidate to compete without fear of being abanonded by the anyone but Ford crowd. My bet is still on Keesmaat though I think we’ll see a progressive sitting councillor make the move too. And of course Mammo is now going to run. Maybe we’ll finally be rid of him if he tries to go the distance this time.
Ford running for MPP of Etobicoke North really is a good indication that we’ll be rid of him even if he doesn’t win the leadership bid. While I won’t take Ford’s word on this, I’ve come to gain an understanding of how his mind works. He just wants the prestige and power of holding a political office and the megaphone it provides. Queens Park is more prestigious than City Hall. He’ll likely win the Etobicoke North riding and hold it. Luckily, a backbencher MPP is easy to ignore.

I’d say the odds are pretty good that the Mayoral race is now wide open for a left candidate to compete without fear of being abanonded by the anyone but Ford crowd. My bet is still on Keesmaat though I think we’ll see a progressive sitting councillor make the move too. And of course Mammo is now going to run. Maybe we’ll finally be rid of him if he tries to go the distance this time.

Don't celebrate until it is past the nomination deadline - recall 2014 - they did it on the last day.

Ford running for MPP of Etobicoke North really is a good indication that we’ll be rid of him even if he doesn’t win the leadership bid. While I won’t take Ford’s word on this, I’ve come to gain an understanding of how his mind works. He just wants the prestige and power of holding a political office and the megaphone it provides. Queens Park is more prestigious than City Hall. He’ll likely win the Etobicoke North riding and hold it. Luckily, a backbencher MPP is easy to ignore.

I’d say the odds are pretty good that the Mayoral race is now wide open for a left candidate to compete without fear of being abanonded by the anyone but Ford crowd. My bet is still on Keesmaat though I think we’ll see a progressive sitting councillor make the move too. And of course Mammo is now going to run. Maybe we’ll finally be rid of him if he tries to go the distance this time.
Ah, but if you know Doug you know he also doesn't like to be told what to do. He only ran for council because he "knew" he could tell Rob what to do.

If a centrist person wins and he knows he'll be stuck as a backbencher he will find a way to weasel out of it.
Yes. City of Toronto act says MPPs have to resign by the municipal withdrawal deadline.

If he loses the leadership race he will almost certainly weasel out of the commitment:

"I ran to fight the elites, but they played dirty and won anyways. I can't in good conscience work for an elite I don't support, so as a courtesy I hereby withdraw my nomination for Etobicoke North to allow for a candidate who does. Also, I hereby re-activate my campaign for mayor, which is what I really wanted all along. Subways. Folks. No questions."

But we saw during the RoDoFo years how the City of Toronto Act--or any laws about anything--had no actual power when it came to the Fords. What would actually stop Thug from running for Mayor while being a sitting MPP? How would the actual laws be enforced? Aside from terminal illness, what can physically stop these clowns?
But we saw during the RoDoFo years how the City of Toronto Act--or any laws about anything--had no actual power when it came to the Fords. What would actually stop Thug from running for Mayor while being a sitting MPP? How would the actual laws be enforced? Aside from terminal illness, what can physically stop these clowns?

This rule is a bit more straightforward. If his name were on a municipal ballot as of the registration deadline and he didn't resign willingly the Speaker of the legislature would declare his seat vacant.
Is there anyone that can seriously challenge Tory?

If Ford ends up not running I feel like there's a lot more freedom come election day.
Is there anyone that can seriously challenge Tory?

If Ford ends up not running I feel like there's a lot more freedom come election day.

If, by some sweet miracle, DoFo actually keeps his word about not running for the mayoral, it would be a really interesting new development in the mayoral, potentially opening up space for a legitimate progressive challenger (there are lots of names sort of floating about out there with varying degrees of seriousness).

If it's Ford vs. Tory, there's little doubt that Tory would be pulled to the right (which could be disastrous for the city), but a progressive who presented a real challenge against Tory could dramatically change the nature of the race and pull the whole conversation to the left (or at least something more closely resembling the centre as we claw back from the extreme east coast of the municipal political spectrum).
Couldn't we as a community start a social media movement to encourage/support Jennifer Keesmaat to run?

Of course I can understand that UrbanToronto might not endorse we need change, younger with new ideas.
Couldn't we as a community start a social media movement to encourage/support Jennifer Keesmaat to run?

Of course I can understand that UrbanToronto might not endorse we need change, younger with new ideas.
Start a Twitter feed, Facebook group, website etc... Invite her out for coffee. Talk her up on UT. As long as conversation is constructive everyone is welcome here.
