Toronto Mirvish Village (Honest Ed's Redevelopment) | 85.04m | 26s | Westbank | Henriquez Partners

High quality, just lacking in colour or warmth for now. I was hoping the brick selection would be a bit more vibrant and use a variety of coursing techniques, but it's all stacked bond in super muted colours.
Sure but people confuse vibrancy with beauty. Is it vibrant? Yes. Is it attractive? No. Other cities manage to eat and chew gum at the same time. It continually puzzles me why people in this city think you can't have both. We can.

And people seem to think new means sterile monotonous stretches of glass. It does NOT. One can have brand new finely grained human scaled street frontage with density above. Hopefully this development will show what's possible. For Toronto's sake, it's important that they pull this off.
I don't think we can't have both, but it is not a necessity to be 'attractive'. More of a luxury.
This is the scale we need all along Line 2.
Did you use Line 2 pre covid-19? Try to get on at rush hour? Packed like sardines...

We may already be near the maximum that Line 2 can support. Yes they are planning to increase frequency, but the capacity is not infinite.
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That's good news and reassuring :)

Hope to see it in person soon. I miss the annex.

High quality, just lacking in colour or warmth for now. I was hoping the brick selection would be a bit more vibrant and use a variety of coursing techniques, but it's all stacked bond in super muted colours.

If this is cheap, then other developers should watch and learn how to build something interesting on a budget. Yes it lacks some colour atm, agreed, but there's some very interesting play with the materials here, the brick panels especially. Hopefully it gets less 50 shades of grey soon.

Fingers crossed the cladding and glass doesn't look cheap when its installed!!
You'd get more 'bang for the buck' on Victoria though. It's already an interesting stretch of street but could do with a little animation. Plus the sign has a connection to Mirvish so on the back of the theatre makes sense.

I agree. It would just be nice to have it next to Sam's. Perhaps a sign in each location? 😁
I agree. It would just be nice to have it next to Sam's. Perhaps a sign in each location? 😁
If only they had saved two…

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