Toronto Maple Leaf Square | 185.92m | 54s | Lanterra | KPMB

by mute


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I heard on the news this morning that the city has ordered
MLSE to remove the blue maple leaf's from sidewalks downtown.
They say it violates a bylaw that does not allow advertising on sidewalks

They look good by the ACC its a shame

Nitpicking on a civic pride that nobody is offended by,:rolleyes: meanwhile so much bullshit graffiti around town that the city does nothing about.:confused: They need their head checked.
Nitpicking on a civic pride that nobody is offended by,:rolleyes: meanwhile so much bullshit graffiti around town that the city does nothing about.:confused: They need their head checked.

Sorry but this is worse because it's a very wealthy corporation taking over our public space. If they want to advertising space they can buy it on the open market.
Sorry but this is worse because it's a very wealthy corporation taking over our public space. If they want to advertising space they can buy it on the open market.

Yeah whatever... with out them there would have been no public space, you would still have been walking on a muddy open field. Makes me think that if they were poor it would be OK.
Yeah whatever... with out them there would have been no public space, you would still have been walking on a muddy open field. Makes me think that if they were poor it would be OK.

They didn't do that for me, you, or for Toronto. They did it for themselves so that they could earn a tidy profit. There's nothing wrong with that, but they're not doing anything out of the kindness of their hearts. And it certainly doesn't entitle them to treat the city like a billboard.

There's also the irony of promoting pride in a hockey team that is a continual embarrassment.
They didn't do that for me, you, or for Toronto. They did it for themselves so that they could earn a tidy profit. There's nothing wrong with that, but they're not doing anything out of the kindness of their hearts. And it certainly doesn't entitle them to treat the city like a billboard.

None of which changes AG's point. The bigger issue here is that there are many instances where we look to private interests to 'build' our city for us, whether condos or Bloor Street Streetscapes or what have you. They benefit obviously but so do we. Should we really nitpick about such a point? It just doesn't seem like a good idea to me to be discouraging private investment in the public realm when public investment is so spare.

There's also the irony of promoting pride in a hockey team that is a continual embarrassment.

On this point I agree with you completely.
None of which changes AG's point. The bigger issue here is that there are many instances where we look to private interests to 'build' our city for us, whether condos or Bloor Street Streetscapes or what have you. They benefit obviously but so do we. Should we really nitpick about such a point? It just doesn't seem like a good idea to me to be discouraging private investment in the public realm when public investment is so spare.

I think we might have some crossed wires here. I have no problem with the Maple Leafs at Maple Leaf Square. It's the stenciled stuff the painted on sidewalks all over downtown that I don't feel is justified. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
I am very satisfied with the choice I made to buy here, at 33 HS, the quality of materials used and the size of the apartments are much better than today's buildings. Yes, I know that lots of people hate it for blocking the view to the lake, but there is nothing I can do about it.

It's not just that it blocks the view of the lake but it also destroys the walk along Queens Quay, to Harbourfront. If they at least made the retail section friendlier and the parking lot, not as prominent, it wouldn't be so bad. It's not like it can't be fixed, yet nothing is done to make it more pleasant. It's easily the worst part of Queens Quay, along with the Harbour Castle Hotel. Again, it meets the street in a most unfortunate way. Queens Quay from Yonge Street all the way to Harbourfront needs some MAJOR changes, if we are ever going to have a waterfront to really feel proud about.
Great shot of MLS! :D

It looks kinda chunky in the photo though :p

LOL!... Awesome stuff!

ICE will have a huge impact from that view
The photo is skewed, you'll notice all the buildings look like their in need of a diet.
It's not just that it blocks the view of the lake but it also destroys the walk along Queens Quay, to Harbourfront. If they at least made the retail section friendlier and the parking lot, not as prominent, it wouldn't be so bad. It's not like it can't be fixed, yet nothing is done to make it more pleasant. It's easily the worst part of Queens Quay, along with the Harbour Castle Hotel. Again, it meets the street in a most unfortunate way. Queens Quay from Yonge Street all the way to Harbourfront needs some MAJOR changes, if we are ever going to have a waterfront to really feel proud about.

I've come to forgive these buildings in recent years. I'm not so much bothered by HS blocking the lake, it's the bulky size of the building and as Torontovibe states above it's not an entirely friendly walk past this area with the sun blocked for a long stretch and the not so pleasant walk past there. Aside from that as Zeiss notes, it's a great building otherwise. That said, they're there and they aren't going anywhere.

I think we might have some crossed wires here. I have no problem with the Maple Leafs at Maple Leaf Square. It's the stenciled stuff the painted on sidewalks all over downtown that I don't feel is justified. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

Agreed. Further, it's quickly lead to other stenciled ads on the sidewalks. I've seen two other stenciled promotions that have popped up in the past two weeks on downtown sidewalks. The City had to get a handle on this before our sidewalks start looking like utility poles and public phone booths.
