Northern Light
I think defining what is "pronounceable" to an English language speaker is a pretty challenging thing to define. English spelling is not consistent. And I think that "Anglicizing" something ... is the opposite point of Reconciliation. Also, who determines if an English speaker is "able to say that word"? There are many English speakers on this forum who say that they can pronounce the word as is.
All of this to say that while I think that the wider public should be able to pronounce new names, there is no clear criteria for what is or isn't "pronounceable." That means that particular criterion shouldn't have veto power over other criteria. As @Natika33 points out, I'm sure the people choosing the name put a lot of thought into the things that you seem to feel they have completely ignored.
I find this to be contrary to how virtually every culture, ethnicity and nation addresses language.
I would also argue that Ookwemin Minising name seems to meet your first criteria apart from the first syllable. Not sure why the first syllable is a deal-killer.
I don't recall saying anything about any particular syllable here.
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