Toronto Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute | ?m | 9s | St. Michael's | Diamond Schmitt

Reminds me a little bit of Li Ka Shing's headquarters in Hong Kong... the Cheung Kong Center. Except that it's much shorter, of course.

Interior demolition is now underway, parking garage blocked off, orange tarp is covering the windows of the western annex building. Get your kicks in before the hoarding goes up!
abatements can take months (windows being covered an indication) so we should have plenty of time to get our kicks in
That's the most impressive photo I've ever seen of Cheung Kong Center. Doesn't match the soaring beauty of Bank of China, but isn't too far behind.
Interior demolition is now underway, parking garage blocked off, orange tarp is covering the windows of the western annex building.

I'm guessing there's going to be considerable asbestos removal on the site, which could take time. It's great to finally see some real progress!
Two weeks ago, hoarding went up:




And this week, down it comes (the site smells a bit of mouldiness). I am happy to see these buildings go! Taken Monday.




Taken yesterday afternoon. They're working fast.


Only two small corners of the western building remain. Demolition has started on the taller of the two buildings.



Nah nah na, na,
Nah nah na, na,
Hey hey yeah,
Good bye!
I wonder if Victoria Street has actually been redone since the old photo was taken. If not, then what we're seeing is 30 years of wear and tear. Apart from the street, though, the rest of the cityscape looks much better now.
The funny thing is how that thing at the NW corner of Vic + Shuter in 1977 looks more like it belongs in 2007, i.e. *built* in 2007...
