Toronto L-Tower | 204.82m | 58s | Cityzen | Daniel Libeskind

geezus! holy awesome pics!

the view down Front St. is truly amazing, and strangely enough, I think the best views of Front will be from the lower floors of the tower.. considering the south side of the street is relatively low-rise (union station, etc...) and those views will be unobstructed so long as those buildings are preserved, having a more eye-level view of the street is more appealing. (cause from the higher floors, the street's just dominated)

very unique views all around nonetheless. having such an interesting location in between the Financial District and Southcore. not the best views in the city imo, but probably one of the most unobstructed.
*If 45 Bay is built... WOW! what a view of the line of towers along the railway tracks.
The word is, Daniel Libeskind and company will be in Toronto on October 10 to attend festivities celebrating the “topping-off” of the L Tower. The “aerobatic ballet” performers will be working below where we’ve all seen the debris netting on the north face. There is talk of fireworks. I have no idea yet when any of this will be taking place. Meanwhile, enjoy this shot up Yonge Street from the 55th floor.

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Are those pillars in the last photo update supposed to be that angled? It just looks freaky, like someone drunk put them up.

Nobody was drunk. The sloped columns with all different angles were installed with great care. it wasn't all that easy and it wasn't free. Check out this close-up from near the top.

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These are some amazing photos SkyJacked. The topping off ceremony is Wednesday, but will the tower actually be at it's full height by then?
Let up hope that Sony, or whomever is in charge feels your pain and is waiting for the L Tower to take it's place in the sky before they make their moves on the ground.

It angers me that a rich corporation like SONY wouldn't spend a few pennies (to them) on a reasonable sign with individual metal lettering along the facade or something better than those taped-up boards they have been using as excuses for signs.

More random unrelated pictures. I'm glad they are working for you all.

These were taken a week or so ago from the west side approximately level 55.




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These are some amazing photos SkyJacked. The topping off ceremony is Wednesday, but will the tower actually be at it's full height by then?
No, the building has a way to go yet but it's all mechanical and architectural from here up. I estimate the highest point of the structure at the south west will be slightly below the elevation of the crane cab.

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Can't believe how badly this zone needs green space.

Just to elaborate a bit:
It is only steps away from Berczy Park, although that isn't enough. St James Park and Crombie Park are both too far if your dog has to do his business or if, say, you wanted to enjoy a coffee or read. The only problem is that the few remaining lots of land in the vicinity are either for sale or sold to private developers. The only real options for providing green space in the area would involve demolition of existing structures, accessible green roofs or decking over of rail tracks - the latter of which is far too expensive to be paid for with public funds.
Nonsense. I live by St. James Park, and my dog manages to do her business in Bercy Park almost every day. We frequently meet dogs who live on the Esplanade in St. James Park too.
Berczy Park is close enough, but not large enough to meet the needs of the area. St James Park is relatively close but for pre-work and late night dog walks, it must be a bit inconvenient, especially in the winter. Granted I live in a primarily residential neighbourhood with a park on every other block so my opinion is biased. Arguments aside, St Lawrence is probably one of the most livable and interesting neighbourhoods in the city (if not #1)
I don't mean to interupt an interesting discussion.



So many people in that neighbourhood and so much life. Busy busy. I love going there every day.
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