Active Member
Oct 5
approx 5 more floors to go
approx 5 more floors to go
Sunday, October 7
Aerobatic ballet rehearsal on the north face of the L Tower. No construction noise will be created by this activity.
Monday, October 8 – THANKSGIVING DAY
Aerobatic ballet rehearsal on the north face of the L Tower. No construction noise will be created by this activity.
great article by William Thorsell in the Globe, about the topping off of the L Tower, and the liberating aspects of some of the architecture we are starting to get here...I wholly agree with everything he has to say....and especially like his description of OCAD as 'pop art' - never thought of it that way before, but I think he nails it...
Well, that sounds interesting! I wonder what time this will all happen at.From the L Tower construction info page:
I couldn't resist stitching together two of SkyJacked's pictures into a verical panorama. I hope he doesn't mind.