Toronto L-Tower | 204.82m | 58s | Cityzen | Daniel Libeskind

The Dominion Public Building looks extra Parisian from that vantage point. Thanks for the photo!

... though it replaced the more Gallic Second Empire Custom House that stood there from 1873 until 1919:

Seen in 1880:

Seen in 1908:,_Front_and_Yonge_streets_2.jpg

... which had, in turn, replaced the Custom House designed by Kivas Tully that stood there from 1845.
A couple of images from the south side... the first one is last week (poor little limestone block falling to its destruction:() and the second was taken today.


Yesh, this is taking forever. Seems like they got all of 2 people working on this.
Nice shots though, please keep posting from that perspective.
Gone are the days of just imploding structures, or taking them down recklessly and quickly. Nowadays, for the better, it's about dismantling to salvage as much as possible. Presumably the limestone can be crushed into ballast, sand or other raw materials for reuse.
From Front and Yonge Street

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Having two slanty-roofed skyscrapers book-end the financial district (L-tower + Ritz) is pretty exciting. Using a chess analogy, they are like bishops to the MINT's king and queen.
Hey moderator,
You moved a bunch of posts from some of the purchasers here to a real estate thread, and now that thread seems to have disappeared. Can you put it back?

Found it! Don't know what happened to make it disappear, but here it is.

That picture from above is great. Just so I understand completely in that photo the tower will be in the top right? Maybe someone could outline it and repost the photo?
That picture from above is great. Just so I understand completely in that photo the tower will be in the top right? Maybe someone could outline it and repost the photo?

The tower will occupy pretty much everything you see in that photo. You're looking at the south-west corner of the centre; the tower will replace that whole one-storey podium job and extend up the theatre's west side.
