Mississauga Hurontario-Main Line 10 LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

SOM stands for Save our Main (Street), which you will obviously form if you haven't already to keep LRT off of Main Street aka Hurontario Street in Brampton.

You know, like SOS (Save our St Clair)

Well then, obviously one of two things has happened here......either you are attempting a bit of humour or you have not read any of my posts.

My opposition to the northern section of this proposed LRT have nothing to do with saving/preserving Main. Main, like any road/street, evolves over time and changes with the needs of the people and times. If I thought LRT was the appropriate transit solution for the corridor I would be telling folks to suck it up......but it's not so I won't.

So, rather than ascribe some false NIMBY motives to me......read my posts and address my questions.
Well then, obviously one of two things has happened here......either you are attempting a bit of humour or you have not read any of my posts.

My opposition to the northern section of this proposed LRT have nothing to do with saving/preserving Main. Main, like any road/street, evolves over time and changes with the needs of the people and times. If I thought LRT was the appropriate transit solution for the corridor I would be telling folks to suck it up......but it's not so I won't.

So, rather than ascribe some false NIMBY motives to me......read my posts and address my questions.

Honestly these days I see your posts and just scroll past now. You bring nothing new to the discussion and keep re-hashing the same old, same old, and you don't listen to anyone who disagrees with you. It's not a discussion, so there's no point.

This thread has gotten derailed into GO transit talk by you too many times. I want off-peak rail service on Milton more than anyone else, but seeing your posts just make me want all-day GO rail service to skip Brampton completely.
Honestly these days I see your posts and just scroll past now. You bring nothing new to the discussion and keep re-hashing the same old, same old, and you don't listen to anyone who disagrees with you. It's not a discussion, so there's no point.

This thread has gotten derailed into GO transit talk by you too many times. I want off-peak rail service on Milton more than anyone else, but seeing your posts just make me want all-day GO rail service to skip Brampton completely.

I disagree with TOareaFan too but I dont think your comment is fair.

"Honestly these days I see your posts and just scroll past now."
"you don't listen to anyone who disagrees with you"

While failing to listen to his views (which you happen to disagree with), you argue that he doesnt listen to anyone who disagrees with him. He has made some very good points when it comes to the fact all day GO service is more critical to Brampton than the LRT. I still disagree with him but you have to respect someone for making good points and staying with what he believes despite the huge amount of pushback he is getting from everyone here who does support the lrt.
It was said today that this line could be in the 2015 budget, with construction started in 2016. This still hinges on the total funding that was recommended today.

When the September PIC is held, I hope they have a strong business case to support the Loop around Sq One as I have yet to come up with one and don't support it in the first place.

York Region want $100m to start buying land for their white elephant line. Bruce even made the comment that the line may get to Langstaft, but more to Steeles. What happen to RHC???

Will someone tell me where the location will be for the LRT if it was to stop at the QEW and 407???

Most of all, how do you get riders to PC or Shoppers World from these location??

I need the full detail how you plan on doing it as well a cost to do so.
It was said today that this line could be in the 2015 budget, with construction started in 2016. This still hinges on the total funding that was recommended today.

When the September PIC is held, I hope they have a strong business case to support the Loop around Sq One as I have yet to come up with one and don't support it in the first place.

York Region want $100m to start buying land for their white elephant line. Bruce even made the comment that the line may get to Langstaft, but more to Steeles. What happen to RHC???

Will someone tell me where the location will be for the LRT if it was to stop at the QEW and 407???

Most of all, how do you get riders to PC or Shoppers World from these location??

I need the full detail how you plan on doing it as well a cost to do so.

By Langstaff, I'm sure he meant RHC, since Langstaff GO Station is in RHC.
It was said today that this line could be in the 2015 budget, with construction started in 2016. This still hinges on the total funding that was recommended today.

When the September PIC is held, I hope they have a strong business case to support the Loop around Sq One as I have yet to come up with one and don't support it in the first place.

York Region want $100m to start buying land for their white elephant line. Bruce even made the comment that the line may get to Langstaft, but more to Steeles. What happen to RHC???

Will someone tell me where the location will be for the LRT if it was to stop at the QEW and 407???

Most of all, how do you get riders to PC or Shoppers World from these location??

I need the full detail how you plan on doing it as well a cost to do so.

I don't think anyone seriously expects this line to get stopped short at the QEW, or the 407 for that matter.
I don't think anyone seriously expects this line to get stopped short at the QEW, or the 407 for that matter.

We know that, but wanted to see these transit planners backup their statement on this idea.
We know that, but wanted to see these transit planners backup their statement on this idea.

If we can build a Sheppard LRT without a connection to NYCC or the Yonge Subway Line, then we can build a Hurontario LRT without a connection to Port Credit, Downtown Brampton, Lakeshore or Kitchener GO as well. In fact, if you consider the ridership, the Hurontario LRT should be built from Britannia to QEW only. Connections don't matter. That's the new style of transit planning that Transit City started.
If we can build a Sheppard LRT without a connection to NYCC or the Yonge Subway Line, then we can build a Hurontario LRT without a connection to Port Credit, Downtown Brampton, Lakeshore or Kitchener GO as well. In fact, if you consider the ridership, the Hurontario LRT should be built from Britannia to QEW only. Connections don't matter. That's the new style of transit planning that Transit City started.

So because one line is a transit planning failure, they should all be? :p
An alternative transit plan for Hurontario Street, one that better reflects the true level of demand for transit along the Hurontario corridor:

An alternative transit plan for Hurontario Street, one that better reflects the true level of demand for transit along the Hurontario corridor:


This would be a discontinuous mess. The point of the LRT is to have a continuous, attractive, and reliable service down the length of Hurontario from Brampton GO to the Lakeshore.
Honestly these days I see your posts and just scroll past now. You bring nothing new to the discussion and keep re-hashing the same old, same old, and you don't listen to anyone who disagrees with you. It's not a discussion, so there's no point.

This thread has gotten derailed into GO transit talk by you too many times. I want off-peak rail service on Milton more than anyone else, but seeing your posts just make me want all-day GO rail service to skip Brampton completely.

I have wanted to respond to this since I saw it but I wanted to take some time before I did to review what I have been saying or doing on this thread to make sure what I have been intending to do (ie. question the benefits of this line to Brampton while also questioning why, in a limited funding environment, we would be (IMO) contemplating overbuilding/overspending on the leg of this corridor that connects DT Brampton to MCC) is reflected in my posts because, although you note you don't read my posts, you have the impression I have been hijacking the thread into a GO rail service thread....never my intent.

So, From May 11 - May 13 (pages 58-59, range of posts 861 -874) I got involved in the discussion about this section of the proposed LRT. I was spurred/attracted to the discussion by an interesting post by Doady questioning (as I do) the merits of Main Street as a transit corridor. There was a good discussion with multiple contributors and GO service was raised by no one.

On May 9th (page 59), I posted a link to a Brampton Guardian article wherein the Mayor of Brampton suggested that Zum buses run all the way to PC (the story was also carried in the Star). The article, as first reported, raised some controversy between the Mayors of Brampton and Mississauga as it appeared that Mayor Fennell was opposed to the LRT. The next day the Star-owned Guardian amended the story to report that what Mayor Fennell actually said was that she not only supported the LRT but that she wanted Zum buses to start going to PC immediately as an interim step (not surprisingly, given his history of reporting on Brampton matters the Star writer did not amend their story and left the negative impression out there). That sparked a bit of a discussion around here about the transit friendliness of Brampton's Mayor which I thought was unfair (she makes many mistakes but it is hard to criticize her on her willingness to invest/expand transit). During that discussion a poster quipped that at least Brampton would now have all day rail service. I responded with what I thought was a bit of a throw away line that I wished Brampton would withhold support for this LRT until it got its all day GO (post 888)...I was really just questioning the prioritization of projects and suggesting a way that Brampton might influence those decisions...that sparked a large outcry of disagreement....and I responded to each of the posts with my thoughts/questions. That discussion lasted a few days to May 12th and ended on May 14th (post 934).....while, I guess, I did start it (although the first mention of all day rail was not mine) from the first suggestion all I did was respond to posts/questions by others (and to be fair to myself, if you look at those posts I did continually mix in questions about the section of the line on its own merits). It nearly ended when Doady called me annoying for continually raising the GO Train issue....although all I had been doing since my initial suggestion was responding to others.....but it did survive a few more posts as others then questioned/commented on my thought that this service had a higher priority than the LRT (for Brampton).

My next post/contribution was a simple posting when someone asked "Why on earth are they forcing a transfer when the point of the LRT was to have a continuous connection from Port Credit to Downtown Brampton? " in reference to the SQ1 transfer that was discussed at the Mid-May public meeting at MCC. My response was to remind people that the main purpose of the LRT was quite well described in a quote from Mississauga's Mayor....that is to ease the congestion on Hurontario from SQ1 to the Lake.....so the transfer is likely to allow for different frequencies south of SQ1 than north of SQ1.....this is an important point to me as it highlights that the demands are different in the two areas and lends some support (IMO) to the notion that I have that we might be better limiting the LRT to the southern section and linking Brampton to that by continuing to expand on the Zum services which already terminate at SQ1 and would tie in to the Busway that Mississauga/GO are building E-W in that area.

On May 15th, someone brought GO train service back into it by responding to a day old post of mine which I responded to.

On May 16th Drum (I believe) posted a summary of what he saw/heard at the Brampton PIC the night before. I responded with some questions of clarification and that discourse lasted a few posts without any mention (by anyone) of all day GO service.

May 17th someone posts a map proposing Main Street vehicular traffic be re-routed through existing creek/park/flood mitigation areas to allow room for the LRT....I and others responded without mention of all day GO service.

That brings us to the latest wave of discussion prompted by my posting of another article where certain residents (not me) were opposed to the LRT because of the effect they think it will have on Main/DT Brampton. I think that provoked an angry(ish) response from yourself which concluded with "If the LRT stops at the 407, that's quite fine with me. No one wants to go to Brampton anyway." I got involved in the discussion and, in response to a comment I made which did not discuss all day GO...someones post included "It's not like this funding is going to come before all day 2 way on the Kitchener corridor. The Big move has both of them in the plan, and most of the all day 2 way GO work is already underway. All day 2 way GO isn't really going to help with the movement of people within Peel anyways, it's only good use is to get people to downtown Toronto.".....I responded and that led to the latest discussion which basically ended with you saying you don't read my posts and that I will start a NIMBY opposition group and that "has gotten derailed into GO transit talk by you too many times. "

The beauty of these threads is that the history of the discussion is right there......I have derailed (ie. raised not just responded to others) this thread exactly 1 time on the subject of all day go (even that one was a response to a comment..but I will "wear that one").....all my other posts on that "derailing subject" have been in direct response to comments/questions others have directed to me......I am fully ok with keeping all day GO in the thread where it belongs but if people raise it I will respond. As for the NIMBY motives...nothing could be farther from the truth.

You (everyone) are free to read or not read posts by anyone (including me) but in deciding not to read them you also have to be careful that you do not attribute motives/thoughts/actions that are just not so.

Review ended....so can someone tell me why we are building an LRT here ;)
