Senior Member
I am curious. How well known and popular is this LRT in Mississauga?
What's the risk of it being cancelled under the Tories?
My brother lives off Hurontario, near Square One. He didn't know much until I told him about it. That to me does not bode well for the future.
Bonnie Crombie has used funding of the Hurontario LRT as a cornerstone achievement of her time in office, and will likely keep doing so into the next municipal election in 2018. Mississauga's councillors (unlike the fine City of Toronto) are much more unified around the HuLRT than say the Toronto councillors in the Scarborough Subway/LRT/whatever debate. The building community in Mississauga LOVES the HuLRT as they see it as a way to build more density. Patrick Brown has taken the stance (at least on the issue of the Hamilton LRT) that he will let municipalities decide what infrastructure they want to prioritize and then follow their lead. I mean Brown has lied tons and tons of times before but that is what he has said on the issue of transit construction. Crombie has also met with Brown at events like AMO, where I am sure that the issue has arisen before. I'm not ready to write off the Liberals in 2018 - but that's my take on the Brown/Crombie/HuLRT scenario.
Also, I have family in Mississauga that aren't on the Hurontario corridor, and they knew about the Hurontario LRT. I'd classify them as mildly informed on community issues, so thats my take on the "local" view of the project.