Toronto Hotel X (was Hotel in the Garden) | ?m | 27s | Exhibition Place | NORR

This is turning out really sub par. I wasn't expecting high quality architecture either which I don't think is realistic for what this is.
Cell shots:
2015-12-17 15.41.31.jpg

2015-12-17 15.41.32.jpg

2015-12-17 15.41.36.jpg


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    2015-12-17 15.41.31.jpg
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Yes it could've been better, but give me this building anytime, the planned LED lighting will be a pleasing surprise:cool:
Ill bet when all said and done, this complex will 'be the talk of town'...yeah, many of you will be eating your words on this one

Look at the big picture my friends, and stop acting silly comparing this to a prison or student housing
That's pretty funny. Thanks for my morning laugh. Hey, I'm optimistic too - in time I hope other buildings crop up around this hideous block and obscure it from view. But it won't happen soon enough.
And how is that different from a dozen other threads in here?

Salsa, do you like the building in question?

I think he's just making a light-hearted joke about how awful this project is and the consistently awful reception it gets each time a photo is posted.
