Toronto Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Toronto | 203.9m | 52s | Lifetime | a—A

Re: Four Seasons Bill Board

Im going to wait until tey set up the model. I've seen one rendering of the Festival tower that made it look like crap and another one that actually made me like it. Renderings are just not reliable.
Re: Four Seasons Bill Board

The new rendering looks very different, and much worse, to me.
It seems that some design changes were made, although the original rendering is clearly conceptual with no bricks and mortar realism intended. That billboard picture is so dark however that I can't really see details even if I turn up the brightness on my monitor.
I think some of you are overreacting. I went by the site today and the rendering on the billboard looks fine. The window pattern is certainly still there and the extended height makes it look very, very slim. Seriously, we don't have much to worry about with this one.
The rendering is much different (and they're never accurate anyway) but the building looks about the same... maybe some minor changes.
If this one ends up being like the MET, it'll look much better than the rendering :) .

As I'm filled with optimism today i'll confidently say that Four Seasons will give us a beautiful final product.:hat
Don't like the balconies and certainly not as distinctive and sexy as the previous renderings.



no where near as impressive as either Ritz or Shangri-la...what are they thinking?
Looks good to me. I'm still trying to figure out why some think this is a significant change from previous images. It's just more realistic.
^ Two things, I think.

1) In the original rendering, the podium was only wider than the tower on one side; on the other side - the side facing front in the rendering - the tower had a sheer edge all the way up. Geometrically striking. In the new rendering, the tower is perched on a squat-looking base, deprived of its sharp edge. This is a bona fide design change.

2) In the old rendering, the glass curtain was very conspicuously divided into horizontal bands, each about three storeys high. It gave the impression of being a stylistic feature, though it was probably just a quirk of the renderer. Now that the tower is rendered as being banded only by each floor, it seems uniform and bland.

3) The curtain seems to extend might higher past the roofline in the original render, though that might be a function of the miserable lenses that every tower rendering is shot through, giving them the impression (most noticeably with B/A) of actively leaning out from the curb.

4) Remember that this wasn't the only rendering we saw. Others painted similar pictures of a luminous, transparent, avant-garde design.

I see Ganj's point, and generally agree: why anyone gets excited about renderings anymore, after Harry's glowing blue speed-stick 1KW, and the luminescence we were supposed to get out of ROCP, is beyond me. All the same, there were some definite changes here, and for the worse.
The main thing seems to be the crown, which is much shorter. I wonder why they didn't leave it as tall as it was in the previous rendering...
I think the change in form between the hotel and condo section weakens the design - never been a fan of it even in the original proposal, but somehow they've managed to make it look worse. it would have looked far better if the awkward "tuck" isn't there.

