Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

Here are a couple of pictures from yesterday:


Thank you for the pics, especially the shot of the display model! Do you have any closer pictures of the model so I can read the writing on the display board?
BMO from Beamsville:


... or, downtown featuring First Canadian Place from the Tawse Winery in Niagara.

The north and east sides of FCP late Tuesday afternoon with the platforms on these two sides completing another move down today.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

It really is going to look like a completely different building. I'm keen to see how the new cladding appears on the windowed sections of the building. Will the cladding work go faster once they reach those levels, since there is less actually cladding to be replaced?
I'm keen to see how the new cladding appears on the windowed sections of the building. Will the cladding work go faster once they reach those levels, since there is less actually cladding to be replaced?

When I saw the most recent pics, thank you dt_toronto_geek, I thought of posting this very comment and question.
So I guess that means they aren't doing any replacing/renovating of the glass itself? I wasn't quite sure if they'd just work on the actual glass while they're up there..

*EDIT* Oh wow I just noticed, the new kinda makes the windows look smaller.. in my opinion anyways. Is it just me?
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Wow, nicetommy's photo is very revealing. For the first time I'm realizing just how dramatic a change this building is undergoing. I'm really curious how this is going to look from a distance once a few more floors are done by around mid to late November.
The vision windows aren't being changed as part of the project. Even if they were they'd be getting changed from the inside, not from the scaffold.
So I guess that means they aren't doing any replacing/renovating of the glass itself? I wasn't quite sure if they'd just work on the actual glass while they're up there..

*EDIT* Oh wow I just noticed, the new kinda makes the windows look smaller.. in my opinion anyways. Is it just me?

Here's a close up shot of the window area:


If anyone has a view of the southwest corner, please take some shots. They've lowered the scaffolding on the southside now. Would make for a great photo to see the west and south sides of the tower together.
I keep trying to resist saying it each time I think it, but here it's darned clear -- the cladding really is light blue. (And it's not just the way the light strikes it, since the interior of the red BMO logo graphic is clearly white.)

Which isn't terrible, but I do think the building would have been more striking with a starker white exterior.
