Toronto CrystalBlu Condos | ?m | 36s | Bazis | Burka

looks like CrystalBlu is beating Uptown in the 'construction progress' race ~
looks like CrystalBlu is beating Uptown in the 'construction progress' race ~
Crystal blu will top our first as it is 12 stories smaller than uptown. But if you are refering to hight before they top out, ya crystal blu i think will win.
I think too that this will top out first as I believe it's a slightly smaller footprint as well.

Adittionally I can see this going up extremely fast from this point as it really is a very small footprint. X has a small footprint as well and is going up very very fast. I wouldn't be surprised to see this one at close to 10 floors a month from now and topping out before the holidays.
May 12th Update

From Balmuto Street. Blu and Uptown are going to be difficult to photograph from this vantage point soon once a few more floors are up. It's getting pretty tight here.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

May 12







Drum, were you stalking me today? :D
I think you and I hit most of the same areas in the Y+B area, except I didn't do Four Seasons
Drum, were you stalking me today? :D
I think you and I hit most of the same areas in the Y+B area, except I didn't do Four Seasons

lol I think it was the other way around as I shot more than post so far.
lol I think it was the other way around as I shot more than post so far.

Actually, so did I. Two and a half hours of converting .tiff images to .jpg's then naming & dating the files, uploading to Photobucket, finding relevant threads, coping code and posting was all I could manage today. This board is just like work!
More tomorrow or Thursday if I can muster the time.
