Toronto Couture The Condominium | ?m | 42s | Philmor | Graziani + Corazza

The sales centre has now been loaded onto trucks, ready to take it away. Digging can't be that far away.
They told me they are 90% sold but don't quote me on that. I am very annoyed about how they handled the whole thing so far. The attitude is like
I thought Monarch is one of the better builders out there but I guess I was wrong. :mad:

Who is a good builder is a very difficult question. I wish there was come concrete rating system. Does anyone know of any? More of a RE Forum Question.
March 27th Site Update

The sales office has been disassembled and mostly moved off site, asphalt taken up so site prep. should begin soon! Couture site taken from above.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

The last section of the sales office is being removed from the site today. Does anybody know when they start to dig?
Not much happening. Yet.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Some crane-like looking equipment has been delivered to the site, and they are currently setting it up. Since no digging has been done, I assume this is not a crane, but maybe a drill for core samples?

Crane assembled, ready for action!

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Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

There's a substantial pile of steel on site now, presumably the pile driving will begin very soon.
So is it back to the original number of floors now? I want to add it back on to the 400 ft. list, but I dont know any of the details behind it.
