Toronto Couture The Condominium | ?m | 42s | Philmor | Graziani + Corazza

When I spoke to a worker about a month ago, they mentioned the city screwed them over for the permit, delaying construction by months. What that means exactly, I have no idea. But they are behind, so come rain/snow/shine/snow/snow - these guys continue to work to make up that lost time.
A couple days makes a big difference...

[Taken December 16th/2010]

A lot of progress has been made since the last pic was posted. They have started the flooring for the next level of the parking garage.
The different perspectives of the last two shots certainly confused me a for a few seconds.. Using the crane location for a reference certainly helped me realize I was looking at two different halves of the site.
Awesome (and very frequent) updates!
Are the parking garages for Bloor Walk 1 and 2 going to be connected underground? It's funny how they've left such neat gaps in the shoring in that spot on the west side, and the gaps appear to roughly line up with the floor spacing.
Are the parking garages for Bloor Walk 1 and 2 going to be connected underground? It's funny how they've left such neat gaps in the shoring in that spot on the west side, and the gaps appear to roughly line up with the floor spacing.

I recall a notice going up in the elevators here at BW1 to that effect. We're supposed to be getting a parking garage exit out onto Ted Rogers Way, which would be fantastic. No more trying to negotiate the dreadful CREIT garage and the turn off Hayden onto Church.
Yeah, you can definitely see where the connections are going to be if you walk by the site now. There's three cinderblock knockout panels there for vehicles, and it looks like there's at least one other knockout there for pedestrian access in what I assume is a stairwell. I didn't know BW1 and CREIT were connected tho, so I guess quite a bit of that block has underground connections
