Toronto Couture The Condominium | ?m | 42s | Philmor | Graziani + Corazza

The backhoe on site is now disassembling the earth ramp that was used for excavation, so I guess they're getting ready to really start squaring off the hole and filling the whole space. I'm curious as to whether the parking garage and foundations will take up the whole thing right up to the southern wall with X. I like having my unit in BW1 on the east side of the building - my desk overlooks the construction site! :)

I'm also curious to see how they get the backhoe out, since it's tearing up the ramp underneath itself. One of those boostrap puzzles, like how a crane gets built and torn down.
I'm also curious to see how they get the backhoe out, since it's tearing up the ramp underneath itself. One of those boostrap puzzles, like how a crane gets built and torn down.

Last year, I spoke with one of the site workers and he mentioned that they change the arm on the backhoe to a much longer one and have dump trucks lined up on the road. The backhoe then moves up the ramp and takes the dirt from behind it and plunks it into the dump trucks.

Before the "big" snow storm...

[Taken Jan/31/2011]

Almost done pouring the third level parking if I'm correct?

What you see in the latest picture is more of the North / North East portion of the site. The West portion is still on level 1 of parking and the Southern portion they are currently pile driving. I think it's safe to say that they are working on level 2 of the parking at the moment, slowly creeping up to level 3 in the North / North East portion.
What you see in the latest picture is more of the North / North East portion of the site. The West portion is still on level 1 of parking and the Southern portion they are currently pile driving. I think it's safe to say that they are working on level 2 of the parking at the moment, slowly creeping up to level 3 in the North / North East portion.

Thanks for clarifying that. When I walk by the site I've been wondering why the south and west areas weren't rising with the rest of the parking area. Seems like a strange way to do things.
The " Quick pic" is a great way to notice what else is being built (outside of your regular haunt.)


The " Quick pic" is a great way to notice what else is being built (outside of your regular haunt.)



Sorry, what do you mean "Quick pic"?
Its one of the three projects profiled in the banner at the top of the page (along with "photo of the day" and "feature project".

Red Mars is referring to the photo updates from my balcony (as opposed to the ground level photos).

I wish I had access to the 3rd floor patio area, but the doors are locked for the Winter. That way, I would be able to take a photo of the entire site as opposed to just the Western portion. It's the best I can do, but I'm sure it gives you all a bit of perspective as to what is going on.

In the second photo, you can see the connection that will be made with the Bloor residences, as was mentioned earlier in this thread.

[Taken February/09/2011]


Right now I'm not getting any of your pics cruzin. You're in a unique and unenviable position. Pretty soon you'll have new buildings going up on either side of you for the next 2 or 3 years.
Its one of the three projects profiled in the banner at the top of the page (along with "photo of the day" and "feature project".


Thanks guys, I get it now. Yip, Ad Block Plus installed in Firefox, sorry!
