Toronto CHAZ | 150.87m | 47s | 45 Charles Ltd | P + S / IBI

Though surely, he adopted the spelling because it looked "French". (No sneer, mind you)

Or maybe even more properly, non-Judaic/Eastern European/whatever.

And of course, there's the parallel case of Frank Gehry nee Goldberg.
Mechanical penthouse balancing precariously. Absolutely no room for error at this demo site.

Painful to watch, but it has an inner beauty. Something similar must have been revealed in 1970, when all the pretend-structural applied masonry was knocked off of the metal framework that did all the real heavy lifting for the hideous Temple Building.
Now that was a building, you can't convince me that any one is shedding any tears over this one

Your POV on this is not strange, but it is quite strange that you don't believe anyone else might have a differing one.

Or for that matter, how one can't regret the demolition of *both* landmarks...

Exactly! Why do we have to pick ONE style of building to save? Sounds stupid to me. Temple Building and this are both mourned by me.
