Toronto CHAZ | 150.87m | 47s | 45 Charles Ltd | P + S / IBI

Lets just start shit for the sake of starting shit. Opinions are opinions. Doesn't matter really who thinks which is better, but just starting crap for no reason because you are angry a building is being torn down [...] is really juvenile imo.

So you're basically saying that any developer can tear down any building and we should just keep our mouths shut about it??
Never mind taste; compare the posting style of the above two posts.

Ha. You think so highly of yourself.

Mod's Edit: And you think you can just sneak back in like that Steven Bodrug, aka Mystery White Boy?
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They've got 2 machines eating away at this building like a couple of giant ants. According to a guy on site this building is a real sob to take down.

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Casa petition against Chaz

Apparently the Board of Directors of the next door Casa Condominiums scheduled a meeting with a city representative for the end of the month. They would like to raise thousands of dollars for a legal representative to petition against the construction of Chaz building. Does anyone knows what this is about? I find it strange.
Apparently the Board of Directors of the next door Casa Condominiums scheduled a meeting with a city representative for the end of the month. They would like to raise thousands of dollars for a legal representative to petition against the construction of Chaz building. Does anyone knows what this is about? I find it strange.

The height of hypocrisy and selfishness. I'm glad that they're throwing their money in the trash.
I can't see a BoD wasting money fighting a development next door, that boat sailed a long time ago.
I can't see a BoD wasting money fighting a development next door, that boat sailed a long time ago.

Exactly! They could've done something about it a while ago when they had the chance to fight the development along with the rest of the community.
There will be more highrise condos packed on this small street, it will be interesting to see how Casa's BoD will react to these buildings.
It wasn't Macy DuBois who designed 45 Charles. It was Macy Dubois, pronounced Duboyz, and short for Duboisinski, or something close to that. He wasn't French.

Though surely, he adopted the spelling because it looked "French". (No sneer, mind you)
There is nothing on the surface worthy of saving, I have seen better sand castles.

Well, you're right in that there's a closer link between this building and a sand castle - the system used to support it and the surface being primarily an expression of structure in both cases - than there is between the sort of fake surface you'd probably see as truer ( the Temple Building, say, where a massive veneer of masonry was applied to a structural metal frame ).
