Toronto Canoe Landing Park | ?m | ?s | Concord Adex

More trees are going in the ground...and they are green with leaves! Cannot tell if they are evergreens. If they are, that would be coincidental since someone mentioned it a few posts back.
Evergreens are iconic of Canada. I would find it hard to believe that Coupland hasn't worked some of them into the design, perhaps with boxes of 'KD' hanging from the boughs.
This render seems to show a line of evergreens running down the spine of the park. Will render equal reality?

According to the G&M article on Douglas Coupland, it's supposed to be this summer. Which probably means next year.
If there was a way of creating a pedestrian only connection of this park to Fort York, which could connect to the future June Callwood Park, which would connect to the lake, CNE and Ontario Place, it would create a really nice networks urban parks. Or are these parks only meant for local use and not as destinations?
well i believe this is the ideal (roughly):

the new bridge that UTF is going nutzos over will connect cityplace with the north. the proposed TCHC buildings to the west will then connect cityplace and fort york. finally, it was always the city's intention to connect fort york to the lake via june callwood park.

if all this happens as planned, we will truly have a new, networked oasis in toronto.
If there was a way of creating a pedestrian only connection of this park to Fort York, which could connect to the future June Callwood Park, which would connect to the lake, CNE and Ontario Place, it would create a really nice networks urban parks. Or are these parks only meant for local use and not as destinations?

I haven't looked at the plans in detail, but I believe there is a linear park/path running along the south side of the rail corridor, beneath the Bathurst Street bridge, that will eventually connect this park to Fort York by first walking between the two Parade buildings.

Edit: here's a link to a site plan which shows the linear park running along the south edge of the rail corridor:
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I am unbelievably excited to see how this project turns out. The combination of the size and the highly-visible location in a formerly barren area give this park the potential to make a huge change on both CityPlace and on people's perception of the city as a whole. I really hope that it is well executed.
well i believe this is the ideal (roughly):

the new bridge that UTF is going nutzos over will connect cityplace with the north. the proposed TCHC buildings to the west will then connect cityplace and fort york. finally, it was always the city's intention to connect fort york to the lake via june callwood park.

if all this happens as planned, we will truly have a new, networked oasis in toronto.

I'm looking forward to the day when Toronto's park life includes an oasis:
